Sep 09, 2020

Vermont Legislature Passes Groundbreaking Climate Bill

“The COVID pandemic has exposed what happens when we fail to plan for an emergency,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “This bill will make sure that we don’t make the same mistake when it comes to the urgent threat of the climate crisis. It will also help make our communities stronger and boost our economic recovery from COVID-19. Governor Scott must sign it into law so we can get to work.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Aug 10, 2020

New England, and the Climate Crisis, Is Heating Up

UPDATE: Temperatures across the Northeast have soared this summer. As emissions rise and climate change worsens, extreme heat becomes more common and more people face these deadly conditions. We need to take action to prevent things from getting even worse — and to help those most affected.

The climate crisis is causing heat waves around the world
Jul 29, 2020

New Haven Fuel Terminals Putting City at Risk

“Big oil has known about the risks of the climate crisis for decades, and their silence and inaction speak volumes,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “The communities surrounding these terminals are constantly at risk of being inundated with a stew of oil and toxic materials. It’s long past time for these companies to step up and prepare their facilities for flooding and extreme weather. The courts must hold them accountable under current law to avoid catastrophe.”

New Haven harbor
Jun 26, 2020

UPDATE: Protecting Public Health Means Protecting Our Climate

Our recovery from the coronavirus must be more than just a return to the status quo. Along with helping us rebuild our local economies and communities, recovery must also lead to a more resilient, healthier state for all Vermonters.

A strong climate law will be good for public health
Jun 25, 2020

Vermont Senate Votes to Approve Critical Climate Bill

“Cutting climate pollution and investing in sustainable and climate-resilient communities has significant public health and economic benefits for Vermonters,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “The Solutions Act requires climate solutions that reduce energy burdens for rural and marginalized communities, build healthy communities, and protect our natural and working lands. Today’s vote is an important step forward towards ensuring an equitable transition to a carbon-free and resilient Vermont.”

Vermont State House
May 11, 2020

Maine Department of Environmental Protection Issues Final NECEC Permit

“Building new ways to deliver low-carbon energy to our region is a critical piece of tackling the climate crisis,” said Phelps Turner, Senior Attorney at CLF. “DEP was absolutely right to impose significant environmental conditions on this project and ensure that it does not harm critical wildlife areas. NECEC will allow New England to retire dirty fossil fuel plants in the coming years, which is a win for our health and our climate.”

May 07, 2020

Gulf Terminal Putting New Haven at Risk

“This terminal sits directly in harm’s way and is already a terrible threat to the health of surrounding communities,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “This facility was severely threatened by storm surge and floodwaters in Superstorm Sandy, and an ill-conceived expansion plan will invite catastrophe. Gulf must recognize the reality of the climate crisis and ensure that a facility in this location can withstand the impacts without dumping oil and other toxic materials into New Haven Harbor.”

New Haven harbor
Apr 22, 2020

Massachusetts Commits to Net Zero Emissions by 2050

“Governor Baker deserves high praise for this Earth Day reminder that action on climate cannot be postponed, even in the midst of a hobbling public health crisis,” said Brad Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “CLF looks forward to working with the Baker Administration on the down-payment toward this strengthened legal mandate —rules to cut the Commonwealth’s fossil fuel use in half by 2030.”

Massachusetts State House
Apr 17, 2020

CLF Appeals Ruling in Climate Case Against Exxon

“The communities surrounding this facility cannot wait for the EPA to dig through a mountain of backlogged permits to feel safe,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “And waiting for a major storm to expose the vulnerability of the terminal is also not an option. This case needs to move forward now so Exxon is forced to prepare for the impacts the climate crisis will have on this facility. The health of thousands of its neighbors depends on it.”

An aerial view of Exxon's tank farm in Everett, MA showing white fuel storage tanks near the waters of Boston Harbor