Aug 26, 2021

Mayor Janey Withdraws Boston’s Downtown Municipal Harbor Plan

“Mayor Janey made the right decision today,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Boston’s developer-driven MHP process is fundamentally flawed, and the Downtown MHP would have resulted in less public access to one of the city’s greatest treasures – Boston Harbor. It’s time to reform the planning processes for all waterfront neighborhoods to elevate the public’s voice and right to access the water. We look forward to working with the city to achieve this goal.”

Jul 07, 2021

Gulf and Shell Sued for Climate Inaction

“A flood at one of these terminals would spell disaster for surrounding communities,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Yet both Shell and Gulf have failed to prepare for increasingly frequent extreme weather and have even sought to expand their facilities without addressing climate risk. These big oil companies must take the necessary steps to prevent oil and toxic chemicals from flooding into nearby homes and waterways.”

New Haven harbor
May 11, 2021

Vineyard Wind Project Moves Forward

“Responsibly sited offshore wind has the power to transform our energy grid and combat the climate crisis,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “Today’s news is a significant and welcome milestone for Vineyard Wind and the future of all offshore wind in the U.S.  As this project and others move forward, they must keep pace with the best available science and technology to ensure that their impacts on critically endangered North Atlantic right whales as well as other vulnerable species and their habitats are appropriately avoided and minimized.”

May 06, 2021

Biden Administration Outlines Path to Protect 30% of Lands and Waters

“It cannot be overstated how critical it is to protect more of this country’s natural places,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Permanently protecting 30 percent of lands and waters will help fight the climate crisis, protect biodiversity, and give future generations a chance at inheriting a healthy planet. The administration’s report presents a reasonable path for reaching this goal in nine short years, but for the effort to be credible the administration needs to be clearer about what criteria must be met to consider lands or waters ‘preserved.’”

Biden's goal to restore protections for areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts monument and set aside 30% of the ocean could help us create a healthy ocean. Photo: NOAA
Apr 22, 2021

Biden Commits to Halving Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030

“President Biden’s ambitious goal promises the aggressive push we need to confront the existential threat that is the climate crisis,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Several New England states have already committed to strong, science-based reductions in climate-damaging emissions, and it’s time the rest of the country catches up with our leadership.”

Emissions from fossil fuels are hampering progress on climate
Apr 10, 2021

Governor McKee Signs Historic Climate Bill into Law

“With the climate crisis at our doorstep, this law comes not a moment too soon,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Slashing emissions and protecting frontline communities from devastating climate impacts must be our top priorities, and this new law ensures we do just that. Now we need to get to work turning Rhode Island’s climate goals into reality.”

Advocates at the State House urge Rhode Island to act on climate
Apr 02, 2021

Springfield Biomass Plant Permit Revoked

“The last thing the asthma capital of the U.S. needs is a plant spewing air pollution and further imperiling public health,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Springfield residents made their opposition to this polluting plant clear, and DEP officials have handed them a win today. The fact is that burning biomass is neither clean nor renewable and it should be left in the past with fossil fuels.”

Community members holding a banner reading "Welcome to Springfield the Asthma Capital of the USA" to oppose a proposed biomass plant.
Mar 29, 2021

Biden Administration Announces Major Expansion of Offshore Wind

“After four years of Trump obstructing clean energy and promoting dirty fuels at every turn, President Biden’s focus on offshore wind comes not a moment too soon,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “Wind has the potential to power our homes, our green economy, and our transition away from polluting fossil fuels for good. However, projects must be responsibly sited to protect ocean life as well. Today’s announcement should be a boon to New England’s nascent wind industry and a strong start to the administration’s pledge to have a zero-emission grid by 2035.”

Mar 26, 2021

Governor Baker Finally Signs Climate Bill into Law

“Massachusetts is already seeing the impacts of the climate crisis so we must continue to lead on bold climate policy,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “As this bill becomes law, we can finally begin the essential work of slashing emissions and creating a safer, more sustainable future for all residents. Governor Baker must work quickly to implement new rules that ensure the state’s ambitious climate goals are realized.”

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky
Mar 23, 2021

RI Legislature Passes Historic Climate Legislation

“Both the House and Senate clearly recognize that we are running out of time to confront the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “We must prioritize slashing polluting emissions and protecting frontline communities from the impacts of climate change, and this bill will hold Rhode Island accountable for doing both. Now we need Governor McKee to sign this bill into law so we can get to work.”

Rhode Island State House in Providence