Aug 21, 2019

Protecting New England Together

On August 15, Massachusetts lost a powerful voice for justice. Michaelann Bewsee was a fearless ally and treasured friend whose passion and selflessness profoundly impacted the lives of her neighbors in Springfield and beyond for generations. In her honor, we want to share this piece, originally published in March of 2015, about her work to… Continue reading Protecting New England Together

Michaelann Bewsee, Arise for Social Justice
Jul 18, 2019

NH Legislature Approves Important Toxic Chemical Rules

“PFAS chemicals are poisonous to humans and have no place in our water,” said Meredith Hatfield, Senior Attorney at CLF. “With the federal government dodging its responsibility on this critical issue, real action on the state level is the only way to combat this crisis. These rules are an important first step to protect the drinking water for New Hampshire families.”

New Hampshire Capitol Building
Jul 01, 2019

Lake Champlain in Crisis: An Illustrated Narrative

Summer after summer, Lake Champlain is plagued with toxic cyanobacteria blooms, also known as blue-green algae. These toxic algae outbreaks harm our way of life as well: the next generation of Vermonters may not be able to enjoy a summer on Lake Champlain the way that their grandparents did.

Jun 28, 2019

New Hampshire Proposes New PFAS Standards

“Toxic PFAS chemicals are threatening drinking water and public health across New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The new standards proposed today are a significant step in the right direction for protecting our communities, but more needs to be done. We must address the cumulative impacts of these four PFAS, and the state needs to regulate the thousands of other known PFAS created by the chemical industry.”

A water faucet
Jun 27, 2019

Vermont Attorney General Suing Companies for PFAS Contamination

“DuPont and 3M have knowingly poisoned our water for decades while reaping billions in profits,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “These companies have no right to pollute our drinking water and our bodies.  Attorney General Donovan recognizes the need to hold the responsible parties accountable for putting these toxic forever chemicals into our water and our health at risk.”

Jun 17, 2019

Vermont Governor Signs Nation’s Strongest Lead in Drinking Water Law

“Our children deserve to go to school or daycare without being poisoned by lead lurking in water fountains,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “The only safe level of lead is zero, and Vermont is leading the nation in making sure that the health of our children comes first.”

May 29, 2019

New Hampshire to Sue Several Companies for PFAS Contamination

“Families should not have to worry if their water contains toxic chemicals when they turn on the tap,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Polluters have threatened our health and our environment with these harmful substances, and they must be held accountable. The Attorney General’s lawsuit is a huge first step in protecting our drinking water and natural resources from dangerous PFAS contamination.”

A water faucet
May 22, 2019

Vermont Legislature Passes Nation’s Strongest Lead in Drinking Water Law

“The only safe amount of lead for children is zero,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “This law puts Vermont ahead of every other state in protecting our kids from being poisoned. Lead has no place in our drinking water, and I’m so grateful for the work our legislative champions have done to get the lead out of schools and childcare centers.”

May 16, 2019

Vermont Governor Signs PFAS Protection Law

“Vermonters shouldn’t have to wonder if they’re being poisoned every time they turn on their tap,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “Until the federal government wakes up and takes these toxic chemicals off the market, it’s up to states to protect us. This law is a huge first step in ensuring Vermonters have safe, clean drinking water.”

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