Dec 09, 2021

Stormwater Runoff Polluting Rivers in Northwest Connecticut

“Stormwater runoff does more damage to waters in Connecticut than any other source of pollution,” said CLF attorney Shannon Laun. “It’s time for state officials to step up and impose limits on major sources of harmful runoff. Wildlife deserve the opportunity to thrive, and communities should be able to enjoy safe and clean water.”

Oct 18, 2021

EPA Announces Plan to Confront PFAS Pollution

“The EPA’s new plan is a key, first step in the battle to protect communities from these dangerous chemicals,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “But PFAS-type compounds of varying names are still being created, used, and released into the environment. The government must go further to stop this assembly line of ‘forever chemicals’ and hold the manufacturers accountable for the widespread contamination of the nation’s air, land, and water.”

Apr 12, 2021

Vermont Fails to Regulate Toxic Forever Chemicals

“The decision not to regulate more of these toxic chemicals in our water is deeply disturbing,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “It doesn’t make sense to continue this whack-a-mole approach to removing these chemicals from drinking water. People’s health will suffer as a result of this decision.”

Crazymedia via Shutterstock
Mar 26, 2021

After Settlement, Great Bay Water Pollution Permit to Move Forward

“Nitrogen pollution is a scourge on our Great Bay estuary, including the many bays and rivers that are part of it,” said Melissa Paly, Great Bay-Piscataqua Waterkeeper at CLF. “This agreement gives the communities surrounding Great Bay flexibility in how they will reduce this harmful pollution, but also accountability to ensure real progress. We’re looking forward to working together with these communities to advance innovative solutions to combat this problem and create healthier waterways for everyone.”

Conservation Law Foundation's Great Bay–Piscataqua Waterkeeper shares a wave of good news to celebrate the power community action in 2020.
Dec 10, 2020

A Wave of Good News for the People of Great Bay

From multimillion-dollar investments to win-win collaborations, good news from New Hampshire’s Great Bay give us reasons to celebrate in 2020. Taken together, these stories remind us that when communities act boldly, we can turn the tide on pollution and restore the health of the rivers, bays, and coast in the Seacoast region and beyond.

Conservation Law Foundation's Great Bay–Piscataqua Waterkeeper shares a wave of good news to celebrate the power community action in 2020.
Nov 07, 2020

Biden Win Sets the Stage for a Greener Future, But Local Action Is Still Vital

The presidential election result is a welcome relief – especially amid the ongoing stresses of an unrelenting pandemic, hobbling economic hardship, and an overdue racial reckoning. We all deserve to take a moment and celebrate that. But even as we see the core values of our democracy vindicated after relentless voter suppression efforts, now is not the time to grow complacent.

Sep 16, 2020

Lawsuit Seeks Suspension of Septic Installations and Inspections

“These three entities have utterly failed to protect Cape Cod’s waters,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “We’ve known for years that septic systems across the Cape are dumping waste into the bays and ponds the region depends on for tourism. Until they get this problem under control, the installation of new systems and the inspection of properties with existing septic must be halted.” 

Sep 14, 2020

3M Lawsuit Delays Critical Drinking Water Tests in New Hampshire

Every New Hampshire resident should be able to turn on their taps without wondering if the water is safe to drink. Yet a judge’s order to postpone testing of public water systems for dangerous chemicals is leaving residents in the dark about how best to keep themselves and their families safe.

Sep 02, 2020

Vermont Issues Key Water Protection Permit

“As Vermont works towards a rebound of tourism, clean water is a vital part of a healthy economy,” said Zack Porter, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper at CLF. “Future generations of Vermonters are counting on us to get this work done now, and officials have dragged their feet long enough. It’s time to get to work making sure this critical rule is properly implemented.”

Jul 22, 2020

Conservation Matters Summer 2020: Year in Review

In times of change and upheaval, there is also room for hope and inspiration. While we collectively have much hard work ahead of us, we also have much to commend. Our hope is that this report offers insight into the work that your support makes possible – and inspiration for what we know we can accomplish together.

Conservation Matters Summer 2020