Jan 26, 2017

The Great Dam Is History

New Hampshire is not a huge state. But, it is home to almost 5,000 dams – some active, some in disrepair, and some abandoned. That large number can now be reduced by one. The Great Dam in Exeter is no more. Great Bay is fed by seven freshwater rivers – and now two are without head-of-tide dams. In 1638,… Continue reading The Great Dam Is History

Jun 21, 2016

Final Guidelines For Lake Champlain Phosphorus Pollution Levels Issued

… Vermont set phosphorus pollution levels for Lake Champlain in 2002.  The EPA reopened the TMDL limits in 2011 in response to a lawsuit filed in 2008 by the Conservation Law Foundation questioning the calculations.  CLF is the host organization for Lake Champlain LakeKeeper Rebekah Weber. Read more here…

Jun 21, 2016

Massachusetts to Seek Water Permitting Authority

… However, the Conservation Law Foundation and its partner organizations oppose this delegation of authority to Massachusetts without adequate funding and without being able to explain the benefits the state is claiming will come from oversight of the program, said Caitlin Peale Sloan, a Conservation Law Foundation staff attorney. “We’ve already seen over the last… Continue reading Massachusetts to Seek Water Permitting Authority