Jan 27, 2018

False Claims and Desperate Measures Mark Latest Chapter with Northern Pass

Eversource is trying to silence CLF’s opposition to its controversial Northern Pass project. We think they should instead spend their energies responding to the Granite Staters’ concerns about the harmful impacts the proposed massive transmission line will have on their communities and landscapes.

Jan 04, 2018

Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

[Update: On Jan. 4, 2018, the Trump administration announced a new five-year plan that would open up most U.S. continental shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, to oil and gas drilling. CLF joined 63 other groups in opposing this plan. Read the full joint statement here.] Over the past year, we’ve… Continue reading Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Northeast Ocean Plan
Dec 29, 2017

Invenergy is a Zombie

Invenergy is a zombie. By “zombie,” I mean the company’s proposed fracked gas and diesel fuel power plant is as good as dead. Invenergy may not be aware yet that its plant is as good as dead – that’s why Invenergy is still walking around. But it is as good as dead. Two different sets… Continue reading Invenergy is a Zombie

Dec 12, 2017

Northern Pass Tries (and Fails) to Remain Relevant in Changing Energy Landscape

The Northern Pass transmission project proposes to bring electricity generated from Canadian dams to southern New England. But it will come at a tremendous cost to New Hampshire through the damage it would do to the environment and communities along its 192-mile path. Granite Staters have opposed the project since it was first rolled out… Continue reading Northern Pass Tries (and Fails) to Remain Relevant in Changing Energy Landscape

transmission lines
Sep 29, 2017

Why We Need Solar Energy Now

We all know that climate change is a big problem. From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy. In the last five years, the amount of power generated by solar panels has… Continue reading Why We Need Solar Energy Now

Aug 28, 2017

New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island

Each year, New England’s six governors and Eastern Canada’s five premiers gather to talk about the biggest issues facing the region. And naturally, climate change and clean energy are always on the table. It’s a critical meeting of regional leaders, one that can act as a springboard for individual action in each state and province.… Continue reading New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island