Jul 02, 2020

What Do Environmental Justice Protections Mean for Our Communities?

Decades of environmental injustices won’t be addressed without strong legislation to drive change. Local organizations are working to reduce burdens on environmental justice communities, but it’s up to the Massachusetts legislature to redress decades of wrongs and put our state on a path to a more equitable future.

Holyoke, an environmental justice community, is working on becoming a climate-resiliency hub
Jun 26, 2020

UPDATE: Protecting Public Health Means Protecting Our Climate

Our recovery from the coronavirus must be more than just a return to the status quo. Along with helping us rebuild our local economies and communities, recovery must also lead to a more resilient, healthier state for all Vermonters.

A strong climate law will be good for public health
May 14, 2020

Building Stronger Communities and a Healthier Climate in the Wake of COVID-19

Even as we mourn the lives lost to COVID-19 and absorb the heavy toll it has taken on our economy, we must recognize that the old “normal” left too many communities unhealthy and especially vulnerable to the pandemic. Replicating that old “normal” will squander an opportunity to reduce climate danger while building healthier and more just communities for all.

May 11, 2020

Maine Department of Environmental Protection Issues Final NECEC Permit

“Building new ways to deliver low-carbon energy to our region is a critical piece of tackling the climate crisis,” said Phelps Turner, Senior Attorney at CLF. “DEP was absolutely right to impose significant environmental conditions on this project and ensure that it does not harm critical wildlife areas. NECEC will allow New England to retire dirty fossil fuel plants in the coming years, which is a win for our health and our climate.”

Apr 14, 2020

Maine Department of Environmental Protection Issues Draft NECEC Permit

“The DEP was absolutely right to impose additional and significant conditions as part of its approval of this project,” said Phelps Turner, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It’s clear the DEP carefully considered the testimony presented by CLF and The Nature Conservancy last year on the importance of protecting critical wildlife habitat areas. Yesterday, we submitted comments on the draft order that would strengthen these conditions even further.”

Feb 26, 2020

Columbia Gas Pleads Guilty in Merrimack Valley Gas Disaster

“While today’s guilty plea hopefully brings some element of closure in this disaster, the risks that fracked gas poses to our communities and our climate can only be addressed by breaking our addiction to fossil fuels,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President & Director of CLF’s Clean Energy Climate Change program. “As the Commonwealth considers transferring the utility privileges held by Columbia Gas to a new owner, it must ensure that gas utilities are truly committed to safety and combatting the climate crisis. The funds from this settlement must be directed towards the historically marginalized communities that have been hit hardest by this disaster.”

Feb 26, 2020

New England Needs to Move On from Dirty Gas

Getting serious about climate change means getting serious about our gas use. It means all of us working together to build a clean energy future that doesn’t require the expensive and polluting buildout of more fracked gas. We don’t need it. And we can’t afford it.

gas is an expensive, polluting fossil fuel
Feb 21, 2020

Vermont House Passes Global Warming Solutions Act

“The climate emergency is already impacting our communities,“ said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “If we’re serious about tackling this crisis, strong climate laws like the Solutions Act are the answer. We are running out of time, but the strong vote today and the leadership in the House shows we can still get back on track to cut emissions and build healthy and resilient communities if we take action now.”

Vermont State House
Feb 12, 2020

Why New England Needs More Solar Energy

From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy.

solar energy is an important part of a clean energy economy
Jan 31, 2020

New England Doesn’t Need, or Want, New Gas Pipelines

Every winter the gas industry tries to scare us, claiming there isn’t enough gas during cold snaps to heat and power our homes. Their solution? More fracked gas and new, expensive gas pipelines. But we don’t have to buy into their propaganda. We have all the power we need without expensive new pipelines.

New gas pipelines are a bad deal for New England