May 02, 2022

Groups Urge BOEM to Consider Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind

“It’s simply flawed to choose areas for offshore wind development before doing a full environmental analysis,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “It is critical to advance the development of offshore wind to respond to the climate crisis and clean up our electric grid, but it must be done responsibly. BOEM must improve its processes and consider the full environmental and socioeconomic impacts of wind development before areas in the Gulf of Maine are chosen.”

Apr 28, 2022

Connecticut Legislators Pass Critical Climate Bills

“The climate crisis will not spare Connecticut, and our legislators are clearly taking this threat seriously,” said CLF attorney Shannon Laun. “Expanding clean, renewable energy will help us cut emissions and protect the air our families breathe. It’s time for Governor Lamont to sign these bills into law so we can get to work.”

Connecticut state house building where senators and representatives meet to discuss legislative issues.
Apr 27, 2022

Connecticut Officially Ends Incentives for Gas Expansion

“This is a huge step towards getting polluting, dirty fossil fuels out of our homes,” said Shannon Laun, CLF staff attorney. “Unfortunately, PURA is giving gas companies a grace period to sign up more customers for the incentive program. Gas poisons our air and is a major driver of the climate crisis, and the incentives should have been ended immediately.”

a row of gas meters on the side of a building
Apr 21, 2022

Officials Reject Sea 3 Attempts to Fast-Track Expansion

“It’s clear that we can’t wait any longer to fight climate change,” says James Crowley, Staff Attorney for CLF Rhode Island. “Rhode Island has a climate law that demands cuts to polluting emissions – and this irresponsible expansion would absolutely lead to more emissions. The Board made the right call in requiring a full review and safeguarding our health and future in the face of the climate crisis.”

New gas pipelines are a bad deal for New England
Feb 21, 2022

Officials Deny GlobalFoundries Effort to Become its Own Utility

“The PUC made the right call today,” said Chase Whiting, CLF Vermont staff attorney. “Allowing GlobalFoundries to skirt the state’s climate laws would set us back years in reaching our pollution reduction goals. This would be nothing more than an illegal loophole for a wealthy corporation, and officials saw right through it.”

Feb 10, 2022

N.H. Officials Pause Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC made the right call today, but the work isn’t over yet,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “The decision to gut popular energy efficiency programs was irresponsible and radical, and today’s news is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, it’s still up to the Supreme Court to officially reject the PUC’s rollbacks of energy efficiency programs and put the state on a path to a cleaner, more affordable energy future.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Feb 08, 2022

Turn Off the Gas

Winter snow and ice bring out Big Gas’s fearmongers. Why is the region’s electric grid operator among them?