Aug 10, 2017

Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

By Caitlin Peale Sloan and Max Greene In July, Governor Malloy released a long-awaited Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut. While it shows Connecticut’s interest in cutting carbon pollution, this strategy will not help the state reach its clean energy goals. Instead, it would further Connecticut’s reliance on dirty gas and destructive gas pipelines. What the… Continue reading Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

Jul 28, 2017

Fighting Big Gas

Jason and Erin Olkowski never saw themselves as activists and community organizers. But that all changed when Invenergy came to their small Rhode Island town, with its plans to build a massive new natural gas plant next door to family homes and within a pristine conservation area.

Jason and Erin Olkowski
Jul 18, 2017

Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement has placed a renewed emphasis on local, state, and regional action on climate change. Just last month, 14 states – including four in New England – entered into the U.S. Climate Alliance, vowing to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement within their borders. The… Continue reading Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

Jun 02, 2017

Exxon Shareholders’ Historic Vote for Climate Action

After decades of funding climate deceit and denial, ExxonMobil shareholders overwhelmingly voted to include climate change risks in Exxon’s corporate disclosures – a huge turning point for a company that has turned a blind eye to climate change for decades.

Photo: Protests outside Exxon Shareholders Meeting 2017 in Dallas, TX
May 11, 2017

Proposed Legislation Would Help Massachusetts Communities Prepare for Climate Change Impacts

Tackling the root causes of climate change by cleaning up our energy supply and making our homes, businesses, and cars cleaner and greener is critical in averting the worst impacts our changing climate will bring. But it’s not enough. We need to brace for the climate impacts already in motion by making our communities across… Continue reading Proposed Legislation Would Help Massachusetts Communities Prepare for Climate Change Impacts

Storm surge
May 05, 2017

Keeping Maine’s Feet to the Fire on Solar Progress

Solar power offers a clean, affordable solution to dirty fossil fuels. So CLF is fighting a regressive new rule from the Maine Public Utilities Commission that threatens to punish solar panel owners and keep Maine from moving forward.

Photo: Solar panel
Apr 12, 2017

Climate-Damaging Emissions are Down in Massachusetts, but Getting to 2050 Will Take Much More

Last week Massachusetts finalized and released the state’s latest inventory of its statewide emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases (GHGs). The final numbers indicate that in 2014, the Commonwealth released the equivalent of 74.6 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a slight improvement over 2013. That’s good news and is far better than the increase in climate-damaging emissions we saw the year before. But a single year of slightly lower emissions isn’t good enough.