Feb 06, 2018

Building for the Climate of the Future

Barely a month ago, a historic storm blasted coastal New England – a “bomb cyclone” that brought blizzard conditions, heavy snow, and massive flooding to Boston’s Seaport neighborhood and other waterfront communities like Chelsea and Salem. As the storm raged, Twitter and Facebook feeds filled with a barrage of images showing icy waters flowing down… Continue reading Building for the Climate of the Future

Feb 02, 2018

Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

Governor LePage is renewing his assault on clean, renewable energy in Maine. Late last month, he issued an Executive Order that imposes a moratorium on new development of wind power in the state. The order establishes an advisory commission – to be handpicked by LePage – that will meet in secret to review the impacts… Continue reading Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

Feb 02, 2018

New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

The saga of Eversources’s Northern Pass transmission project took another dramatic turn this week when the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee – a major and necessary hurdle for the project – voted unanimously to reject the proposal. Barely a week before this decision by New Hampshire regulators, the contentious project had been selected as the sole… Continue reading New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

transmission lines
Feb 02, 2018

Invenergy Starts 2018 Flailing

Invenergy’s proposed power plant barely avoided a near-fatal blow to its proposed dirty energy power plant in January, though it still has big hurdles to overcome before it can push shovels in the ground.

Jan 30, 2018

Climate Adaptation and Liability: A Legal Primer and Workshop Summary

Climate change impacts are affecting New England communities now, so CLF set out to determine the liability risks of government entities and other decision makers if they fail to prepare for these impacts. The result is the CLF Climate Adaptation and Liability report, which looks at the theories of legal liability for design professionals (such as… Continue reading Climate Adaptation and Liability: A Legal Primer and Workshop Summary

Jan 27, 2018

False Claims and Desperate Measures Mark Latest Chapter with Northern Pass

Eversource is trying to silence CLF’s opposition to its controversial Northern Pass project. We think they should instead spend their energies responding to the Granite Staters’ concerns about the harmful impacts the proposed massive transmission line will have on their communities and landscapes.

Jan 04, 2018

Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

[Update: On Jan. 4, 2018, the Trump administration announced a new five-year plan that would open up most U.S. continental shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, to oil and gas drilling. CLF joined 63 other groups in opposing this plan. Read the full joint statement here.] Over the past year, we’ve… Continue reading Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Northeast Ocean Plan
Dec 29, 2017

Invenergy is a Zombie

Invenergy is a zombie. By “zombie,” I mean the company’s proposed fracked gas and diesel fuel power plant is as good as dead. Invenergy may not be aware yet that its plant is as good as dead – that’s why Invenergy is still walking around. But it is as good as dead. Two different sets… Continue reading Invenergy is a Zombie