Oct 31, 2018

Proposed Emissions Rules Toxic to Public Health and Environment

“The Trump administration is endangering the health of the American people,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “This rollback will hand a lifeline to old, polluting power plants that still haunt our communities, spreading respiratory and other illnesses among our children and families. The EPA replacement plan violates the Clean Air Act and totally disregards good science and sound economic principles.”  

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Oct 31, 2018

Invenergy Plant Faces Yet Another Roadblock

“How much more proof do we need that this plant is unnecessary?” said Jerry Elmer, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Invenergy’s fracked gas and fossil fuel plant would generate dangerous greenhouse gas emissions at a time when Rhode Island should be focusing on clean, renewable energy. Today’s decision makes it clear: Invenergy needs to admit defeat and stop forcing this unwanted plant on Rhode Islanders.”

Oct 29, 2018

No Time to Spare in Cutting Carbon Emissions

There is still time to stop irreversible climate change if we act now. But we have to act fast or else the consequences will be dire and inescapable. That, in a nutshell, is what more than 90 of the top climate scientists from 40 countries around the world announced recently in a special report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC).

We have to act fast to cut carbon emissions or the consequences will be dire and inescapable.
Oct 12, 2018

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approves Vermont Yankee Transfer

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was absolutely correct to require these additional guarantees from NorthStar,” said Sandra Levine, Senior Attorney at CLF. “This is a major clean-up of a contaminated nuclear site that poses pollution risks for generations to come. It is not a project that should be done on the cheap, and it should not leave Vermonters on the hook to pay for cleanup efforts. The NRC clearly recognized the weakness of the proposal that Entergy presented to Vermont regulators.”

Oct 04, 2018

CLF Dismisses Appeals of Gas-Fired Power Plant Permits

“The power industry tried every trick in the book to avoid the inevitable, and the state’s highest court rejected each one,” said David Ismay, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The goal of our appeals was to ensure these fossil fuel power generators would reduce their emissions year after year for the sake of our communities and the climate. And the recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling has done just that. We still have a long way to go in the fight to halt climate change and build a thriving clean energy economy, but for the time being, our work with these plants is done.”

Sep 26, 2018

Yet Another Setback for Invenergy Fossil Fuel Power Plant

“Today’s decision is yet another nail in the coffin for this unnecessary fracked gas and fossil fuel plant,” said Jerry Elmer, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Rhode Island simply does not need the power that this plant would generate or the dangerous greenhouse gas emissions that would come along with it.  As we’ve been saying for months, it’s time for Invenergy to admit defeat and let Rhode Island focus instead on clean renewable energy like solar and wind power.”

Sep 25, 2018

Counting Down the Weeks to Election Day 2018

As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.

Sep 20, 2018

Proposed Invenergy Power Plant Dealt Major Setback

“Today’s filing is proof positive of what CLF has argued from day one: Invenergy’s plant is simply not needed,” said Jerry Elmer, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The fracked gas and diesel oil plant would create climate-damaging greenhouse gas pollution at a time when we should be putting all of our efforts into advancing clean energy. It’s time for Invenergy to admit defeat and withdraw its permit application.”

No new power plant sign
Sep 20, 2018

CLF Continues Fight Against Unfair Maine Solar Rules

“The rules put forth by the LePage administration are a giant step backward for solar power,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Mainers overwhelmingly support solar and other renewable energy sources. These policies disincentivize homeowners from making the necessary investments at a time when it is more important than ever for the state encourage development in Maine’s fast-growing clean energy sector.”

Sep 14, 2018

Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

The Global Climate Action Summit is underway in San Francisco, California. Leaders from across the country – including CLF’s President, Bradley Campbell – and the globe have gathered to exchange ideas about how we can address the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. The Summit is also challenging cities and towns around the… Continue reading Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

Recycling is just one way to build sustainable communities