Jan 13, 2020

Vermont Needs Strong Laws to Fight Climate Catastrophe

While Vermont has made strides advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy, we are falling behind in reducing toxic climate pollution from burning fossil fuels in our cars and homes. Passing the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act will change that, putting us back on track to cutting our emissions and securing a brighter future.

Vermont State House
Jan 10, 2020

Vermont Legislators Take Up Landmark Climate Bill

“The climate crisis demands bold action and Vermont is long overdue,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “We’re off track, but we can eliminate all carbon pollution by 2050 while building healthy and resilient communities. This legislation will make sure we reach our emissions goals and confront this crisis with everything we have.”

Vermont State House
Jan 09, 2020

Turn off the Gas

Winter snow and ice bring out Big Gas’s fearmongers. Why is the region’s electric grid operator among them?

Jan 03, 2020

It’s Time for New England to Ditch Fracked Gas

Ever winter, as the cold rolls in and New Englanders turn up their heat, the gas industry starts calling for more pipelines. But if we want to avoid a climate catastrophe, we need to end fossil fuel use—including the use of fracked gas—by 2050 at the very latest.

It's time for New England to ditch fracked gas
Jan 01, 2020

We Have 10 Years to Beat Climate Change. Here’s Why I’m Hopeful.

CLF is no stranger to tough fights and seemingly impossible odds. In our 50-plus-year history, we’ve taken on – and taken down – Goliaths, from Big Coal to Big Gas. Here’s what we have learned from the biggest battles of the past decade – and what we must, and will, do before we reach 2030.

clean energy is key in the fight against climate change
Dec 24, 2019

COP25 Focused on Formality to the Detriment of the Planet

Although world leaders met in Madrid this month to discuss how to lower global emissions, the gap in ambition between the negotiation rooms and the side events was stark. It highlighted how important it is to take action at the local level—for instance, passing state-level climate laws and advocating for clean energy in New England.

CLF intern Ava Gallo attends COP25 in Madrid
Dec 10, 2019

Dirty, Fracked Gas Is a Dead End for New England

Fracked gas was once considered part of a lower-carbon future. But this volatile, dangerous, and polluting fossil fuel now needs to be shown the door. Thankfully, as New England’s growing investment in cleaner energy ramps up, this transition is becoming easier. But standing in its way are the last gasps of the dirty fossil fuel industry. And they are not going quietly.

Fossil Fuels like dirty gas harm our health and our climate.
Nov 22, 2019

CLF Continues Fight Against Trump Administration Reversal of Clean Car Standards

“Yet again the Trump Administration is pandering to big oil and gas at the expense of our health and our communities,” said Emily Green, CLF Senior Attorney. “As we run out of time to tackle the climate crisis, this policy moves the country in the wrong direction. It will lead directly to a dirtier, more polluted future. We cannot afford to hit reverse on these standards.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
Nov 05, 2019

It’s official: Invenergy Defeated

“As we said in June, this is a huge victory for Rhode Island and for the health of our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Jerry Elmer. “In the face of climate emergency, opening a fossil fuel plant that will spew carbon pollution for decades is simply reckless. After years of lies and misinformation, Invenergy’s efforts to pave over a forest to build this dirty plant have been dealt a substantial loss. This is proof that communities can stand up to big gas and win.”