Nov 23, 2020

Cod, Climate Change, and Protected Areas

According to a new study, rising water temperatures put fish eggs and spawning adults at higher risk than juveniles and adult fish. Since previous studies mostly only took adult fish into account, this close look at different life stages gives us a better idea of what the climate crisis means for our fisheries and how we can help save Atlantic cod. One big takeaway: protecting spawning areas, where the vulnerable are, is more critical than ever.

We sat down with CLF Senior Science Fellow Gareth Lawson to discuss the implications of the study and the future of Atlantic cod.

Kelp Forest and Red Cod
Nov 22, 2020

Massachusetts Still Needs a Roadmap to Beat Climate Change

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Baker administration announced that Massachusetts will make reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 legally binding under the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. However, the state’s landmark climate law still needs a clear path forward to reach that goal.

Baker supported one of the 2050 Roadmap Act goals this past Earth Day
Nov 07, 2020

Biden Win Sets the Stage for a Greener Future, But Local Action Is Still Vital

The presidential election result is a welcome relief – especially amid the ongoing stresses of an unrelenting pandemic, hobbling economic hardship, and an overdue racial reckoning. We all deserve to take a moment and celebrate that. But even as we see the core values of our democracy vindicated after relentless voter suppression efforts, now is not the time to grow complacent.

Oct 30, 2020

Climate Inaction Is a Horror Show in the Making

These days, the scariest monster I can conjure wears a tailored suit and sits behind the desk of a dirty oil or gas company deliberately blocking climate action. Runner up is another man in a suit – a legislator too scared to stand up to that fossil fuel executive and protect the people who voted him into office.

Climate inaction made the California wildfires much worse
Oct 06, 2020

What You Need to Know About the Boston Green New Deal

The Green New Deal may be stalled on the federal level, but it’s always been local governments that move the needle on progress and have immediate, concrete impacts on our lives. Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu’s proposal – Planning for a Green New Deal & Just Recovery – is a great example of local action in the face of federal inertia, and offers an ambitious vision for Boston’s future.

Oct 01, 2020

Climate Change Is the Threat of Our Lifetime

New England is extremely vulnerable to climate change. It’s a crisis not only for the environment, but also for the health of our communities. It will take systemic change in the way we do business, the way we govern, and the way we guide people to solve climate change and move into the next century.

We must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change
Sep 22, 2020

With Your Help, Vermont Makes Critical Climate Progress

After months of work by Vermonters across the state – and despite a veto from Governor Scott – the Global Warming Solutions Act is now the law of the land in the Green Mountain State. This critical bill will slash carbon pollution while building resilient communities and looking after our most vulnerable neighbors.

Vermont's state house in autumn
Sep 22, 2020

Vermont Takes Action on Climate Despite Veto

“Climate change is an urgent public health crisis and procrastination and denial are not solutions,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “Our legislators clearly understand the reality and provided the leadership necessary to fight this crisis with everything we’ve got. It’s time to get to work so that no one is left behind.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Sep 17, 2020

Vermont House Overrides Governor’s Climate Veto

“We can’t afford to let politics get in the way of preparing Vermont for the climate crisis,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “The science is clear: the longer we kick the can down the road on dealing with climate impacts, the more disastrous it will be for our communities. Today, our Representatives overwhelmingly voted to support the Solutions Act and ensure we don’t leave any Vermonters behind. We urge the Senate to follow the House’s lead so we can get to work.”

A strong climate law will be good for public health
Sep 15, 2020

Groups Call on Legislature to Override Governor’s Veto of Landmark Climate Bill

“Vermont is utterly unprepared for the climate crisis and our most vulnerable communities will pay the highest price if we fail to act,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “We must invest in smart climate solutions that put people to work and safeguard our communities while preparing us for future disasters, and this bill will do just that. Our legislators followed the science and voted overwhelmingly to support the Solutions Act, and they must override this irresponsible veto.”

Vermont State House