Mar 29, 2022
Our health is inextricably tied to the environment’s health, especially for communities overburdened by climate change. It’s for this reason Vermont needs an environmental justice law.
Mar 18, 2022
“In the face of the climate crisis, gas companies are wasting precious time in attempting to keep their outdated business model going,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The simple fact is that there’s no such thing as climate-friendly renewable gas and burning gas in homes is not compatible with the clean energy future that Massachusetts law demands. Our state leaders must begin planning for a transition away from gas, and that should begin with an unbiased look at what will actually solve the climate crisis.”
Mar 03, 2022
Climate laws create mandatory targets to slash polluting emissions – and we’re continuing to advocate for them throughout 2022.
Mar 02, 2022
“Pollution from cars and trucks chokes our communities and worsens the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “The science is clear: the only way to reach our climate goals is by drastically curbing transportation emissions, and fast. This new rule must be allowed to stand, and we look forward to helping defend it in court.”
Feb 10, 2022
“The PUC made the right call today, but the work isn’t over yet,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “The decision to gut popular energy efficiency programs was irresponsible and radical, and today’s news is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, it’s still up to the Supreme Court to officially reject the PUC’s rollbacks of energy efficiency programs and put the state on a path to a cleaner, more affordable energy future.”
Feb 08, 2022
Winter snow and ice bring out Big Gas’s fearmongers. Why is the region’s electric grid operator among them?
Feb 07, 2022
“The PUC’s irresponsible and arbitrary decision on energy efficiency cannot be allowed to stand,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs are proven ways to reduce energy bills and cut back on polluting fossil fuel use. At a time when high energy bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire families, the PUC has dealt a blow to residents’ and businesses’ ability to save on energy costs. Its decision must be overturned.”
Feb 07, 2022
Where we live affects how much pollution we experience each day. It affects how long our commute is, how hot our neighborhood gets in the summer, whether we can afford winter heating bills, how much or how little open space we have around us, and whether we have access to healthy homes, nourishing food, and quality schools.
Jan 26, 2022
A misleading letter peddled by Big Oil echos the anti-clean energy rhetoric of a supposedly credible source: ISO-New England.
Jan 21, 2022
A previous version of this blog was published in August, 2017 With the federal government stymied over any meaningful climate legislation, it’s up to the states to take the lead on curbing carbon pollution. Here in New England, such leadership is nothing new. Five New England states have climate laws in the books, mandating cuts… Continue reading Carbon Pricing 101