Jun 29, 2022
“This law signals the next step in the death of fossil fuels in Rhode Island,” said CLF Senior Attorney Meg Curran. “Requiring all of our electricity to come from renewable sources is a major win for our health, our economy, and the planet. Now is the time to step up production of wind and solar resources.”
Jun 08, 2022
With pressure from CLF’s lawsuit mounting, the oil giant closed its polluting facility. But that won’t allow them to escape responsibility for it.
May 20, 2022
“Strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to tackling the climate crisis given that transportation is the nation’s largest source of polluting emissions,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Toxic tailpipe pollution wreaks havoc on our health, air quality, and climate. It’s time we act. The Biden Administration made the right call in restoring California’s ability to set stricter standards, and we’re defending the rights for other states to follow suit”
May 09, 2022
A rule that governs one of New England’s electricity markets, the Minimum Offer Price Rule, has been extended for two years. Here’s why that’s a bad deal for New Englanders.
May 02, 2022
“It’s simply flawed to choose areas for offshore wind development before doing a full environmental analysis,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “It is critical to advance the development of offshore wind to respond to the climate crisis and clean up our electric grid, but it must be done responsibly. BOEM must improve its processes and consider the full environmental and socioeconomic impacts of wind development before areas in the Gulf of Maine are chosen.”
Apr 28, 2022
“The climate crisis will not spare Connecticut, and our legislators are clearly taking this threat seriously,” said CLF attorney Shannon Laun. “Expanding clean, renewable energy will help us cut emissions and protect the air our families breathe. It’s time for Governor Lamont to sign these bills into law so we can get to work.”
Apr 27, 2022
“This is a huge step towards getting polluting, dirty fossil fuels out of our homes,” said Shannon Laun, CLF staff attorney. “Unfortunately, PURA is giving gas companies a grace period to sign up more customers for the incentive program. Gas poisons our air and is a major driver of the climate crisis, and the incentives should have been ended immediately.”
Apr 21, 2022
“It’s clear that we can’t wait any longer to fight climate change,” says James Crowley, Staff Attorney for CLF Rhode Island. “Rhode Island has a climate law that demands cuts to polluting emissions – and this irresponsible expansion would absolutely lead to more emissions. The Board made the right call in requiring a full review and safeguarding our health and future in the face of the climate crisis.”
Apr 18, 2022
These polluting products are two sides of the same coin, and Big Oil and Gas are the culprits.
Apr 01, 2022
As nearly every New England state has instituted mandatory cuts to climate-damaging pollution, the term “net zero by 2050” has popped up a lot. What does it even mean?