Oct 30, 2019

Report on Aquidneck Island Gas Disaster Released

“Customers should absolutely not be straddled with higher bills because of the mistakes of utilities,” said Amy Moses, Vice President and Director of CLF Rhode Island. “But the report’s suggestion of reducing demand for gas simply doesn’t go far enough. We need to get off dirty fracked gas and focus on clean renewables, not expand infrastructure that only harms our air and destroys our climate.”

a row of gas meters on the side of a building
Jun 24, 2019

Massachusetts to Cancel Popular Electric Vehicle Rebate in September

“Ending this rebate while the program is gaining such momentum is a huge lost opportunity,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program and a member of the Massachusetts Zero Emission Vehicle Commission. “Gas-burning cars accelerate our climate crisis and pollute our neighborhoods, and the rebate program helps families make the switch to clean electric vehicles. Eliminating the program without providing alternatives takes away needed resources and threatens to set us back in reaching our climate goals.”

Electric car parking symbol
Jun 20, 2019

Invenergy Defeated, Power Plant Denied Permit

“This is a huge victory for Rhode Island and for the health of our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Jerry Elmer. “In the face of climate emergency, opening a fossil fuel plant that will spew carbon pollution for decades is simply reckless. After years of lies and misinformation, Invenergy’s efforts to pave over a forest to build this dirty plant have been dealt a substantial loss. Today’s decision is proof that communities can stand up to big gas and win.”

Jun 19, 2019

Maine Legislature Passes Pair of Critical Energy Bills

“It’s time we leave dirty, polluting fossil fuel plants in the past,” said Emily Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “The future of energy is clean and local, and these bills come not a moment too soon. Our communities will now be able to harness Maine’s natural resources to power homes and businesses. We must all do our part to preserve a livable planet while we still have time.”

A view of the statehouse against the clear sky.
Apr 30, 2019

Maine Governor Unveils Climate Legislation

“The devastating impacts of climate change are at our doorstep,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Drastically reducing our climate-damaging emissions is the only way to avert these looming economic, social and environmental disasters. This bill will push Maine to do just that. After eight years with a climate denier in the governor’s office, we have real climate leadership from Governor Mills.”

Maine Statehouse.
Apr 27, 2019

Brayton Point Cooling Towers Imploded

“The last symbol of dirty coal in Massachusetts has come tumbling down, and a coal-free New England is within our reach,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President at CLF. “Brayton Point spewed toxic pollution into nearby communities for decades, sickening residents and devastating our environment. Now residents can literally breathe easier as clean, renewable energy will rise out of the rubble of this dirty, polluting dinosaur.”

Feb 21, 2019

CLF and Partners Reach Agreement with Central Maine Power

“The disastrous effects of climate change are at our front door and we must take aggressive action to reduce our emissions to zero by 2050,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “The Clean Energy Connect project will significantly reduce New England’s climate-damaging emissions by providing low-carbon electricity and decreasing our reliance on natural gas.”

Jan 14, 2019

Our Best Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change? Strong Climate Laws

In the face of the Trump administration’s continued attempts to roll back regulations aimed at curbing climate change, state and local governments must step in. In 2019, it’s essential that we make real progress at a local level to lower polluting emissions. The science is clear: If we don’t collectively cut our climate-damaging emissions to… Continue reading Our Best Weapon in the Fight Against Climate Change? Strong Climate Laws

strong climate laws can help protect New England from climate change