Sep 25, 2018

Counting Down the Weeks to Election Day 2018

As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.

Sep 14, 2018

New England’s Marine National Monument Turns Two

It’s been two years since President Obama designated the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National monument, providing full protection of this remarkable ecosystem for generations to come. That includes creatures like sperm whales, ocean sunfish, and basking sharks.

Sep 12, 2018

Restoring Salt Marshes in Maine

Maine’s salt marshes are as iconic to our coast as our rocky beaches, yet years of development – from houses and roads to dikes and dams – is putting them at risk. As our marshes are increasingly cut off from the ocean that sustains them, they are slowly shrinking, and with them the vital benefits they provide… Continue reading Restoring Salt Marshes in Maine

Aug 08, 2018

Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

When the Rhode Island General Assembly convened for its 2018 session, CLF and our partners focused on several key measures aimed at combating climate change, reforming how energy projects are sited, and protecting our waters from offshore drilling. With progress on these issues stalled (or moving in reverse) at the national level, state and local… Continue reading Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

Jul 26, 2018

Conservation Matters Summer 2018

The prosperity of future generations of New Englanders depends on the health of our waters and marine resources and the public’s ability to access them.

CLF Conservation Matters Summer 2018
Jul 17, 2018

Update: CLF Stands Up for the Public Trust

If we’re not careful, Boston Harbor will be walled off to those of us who are not wealthy and powerful, even though we have laws and regulations put in place to protect us. Today, CLF is taking action to ensure that the city and state cannot get away with putting private developers’ interests ahead of the public when it comes to these precious public assets.

Jul 02, 2018

National Ocean Month Reminds Me Why I Fight

As National Ocean Month ended last week, I’m reflecting on the past month. Things may seem bleak, with the Trump administration pushing an agenda that disregards the health of the ocean we were celebrating, but I found hope in my colleagues and comrades. These incredible people and their work holding Trump accountable for his determinantal actions are what I celebrated this month.

Jun 15, 2018

The Science of Conserving the Canyons and Seamounts

The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument holds a special place in my heart. This monument, designated by President Obama in 2016, protects crucial marine habitats for incredible species, from whales to corals, along the edge of the New England continental shelf. The monument encompasses four seamounts and three underwater canyons just 130 miles… Continue reading The Science of Conserving the Canyons and Seamounts

Jun 06, 2018

CLF Goes to Washington to Stand Up for Our Oceans

As the Trump administration continues its attack on our nation’s public lands and waters, it has never been more pressing to highlight the importance of a healthy ocean ecosystem. That is why CLF is heading to Washington, DC next week to participate in Capitol Hill Ocean Week.