Apr 04, 2019

Threats Continue as Right Whales Migrate Back to New England

Seven new North Atlantic right whale calves are migrating with their mothers and other whales back up the east cost into New England and Canadian waters. But this journey is full of threats: ship strikes, noise pollution, and entanglement in fishing gear all threaten their survival. We must work to make our oceans a safe and welcoming place for right whales.

Mar 07, 2019

The Year Ahead in Washington: CLF’s Federal Ocean Policy Priorities

The 2018 midterms brought a Democratic majority to the House, giving us new and exciting opportunities for environmental legislation. This Congressional session, CLF’s Oceans team is focused on protecting special places in New England’s ocean, effectively addressing threats facing the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, and promoting sustainable fisheries.

Nov 08, 2018

Video: What Do the Midterms Mean for New Englanders?

The day after the election, CLF President Brad Campbell joined Staff Attorney Emily Green and special guest Jamie Hoyte – former Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs and currently Senior Advisor with Tremont Strategies Group – to talk through what the election results mean for New Englanders.

Oct 11, 2018

Court Upholds Only Ocean Monument in the U.S. Atlantic

A federal judge ruled that the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument was created legally. The ruling confirms that the Antiquities Act can be used to protect the ocean, keeping these underwater spaces safe from oil drilling and commercial fishing.

Oct 05, 2018

Judge tosses fishermen’s suit against Obama ocean monument

“This decision guarantees that one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic will be protected from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at Conservation Law Foundation.

Oct 05, 2018

Court Rejects Fishing Industry Challenge to Ocean Monuments

“Today’s historic decision is a clear victory for our oceans and for the Atlantic’s only marine national monument,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “This decision guarantees that one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic will be protected from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing. Protecting the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts ensures that we are leaving a proud legacy for the people of New England.”