Aug 23, 2019

How New England’s Congressional Delegation Can Protect Our Ocean

New England’s congressional delegation is currently home for the late summer recess. Away from the DC hustle and bustle, it is safe to say that many of our Senators and Representatives are enjoying New England’s ocean and remembering that it’s part of our New England way of life. It’s the perfect time to reinforce the fact that the ocean is essential to the health of our planet – and ask that they take concrete steps to protect it.

Cape Cod beach
Aug 21, 2019

CLF Challenges Seacoast Reliability Project in Federal Court

“Little Bay is a unique resource that is already threatened by water pollution and the climate crisis,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The project would severely disrupt this sensitive area and cause unacceptable and unnecessary harm to the bay. The Army Corps was required to fully assess the impacts of this project, and it has failed to fulfill that critical duty.”

Little Bay
Aug 08, 2019

Maine Must Do the Right Thing for Right Whales

Humans pose the biggest threat to right whales’ survival, and it’s our responsibility to stop killing them. Last month, however, Maine’s state leadership rallied against a proposal that would help save our iconic whale. Fishing and right whales can co-exist, but it’s going to take close collaboration and forward-looking leadership, not obstruction. Maine must be part of the solution if we are to save the right whale from extinction.

Right whale
Jul 12, 2019

Urgent: Maine Representatives & Senators Fail Right Whales

This is outrageous. On Wednesday, the Maine Congressional Delegation put the fate of endangered North Atlantic right whales in the hands of President Trump – a president intent on exploiting our oceans and rolling back critical environmental protections. Earlier this week, three right whales were found entangled in fishing ropes. Another six were found dead last… Continue reading Urgent: Maine Representatives & Senators Fail Right Whales

Jul 10, 2019

Take Action: Support Legislation to Better Protect Environmental Resources from Development

Natural resources here in the Commonwealth face increasing development pressure, particularly in our coastal areas. While numerous state and local regulations are designed to protect our natural resources, one state law – known as the Dover Amendment – currently creates a potential loophole from local environmental protections when projects are proposed by nonprofit educational and… Continue reading Take Action: Support Legislation to Better Protect Environmental Resources from Development

Jul 10, 2019

Watch: The People’s Harbor

Boston is a quickly growing city, but not everyone is benefitting from that growth, especially along the waterfront. That’s why we’re inviting people to celebrate our public spaces on the waterfront – and our public right to access them.

Construction in Boston's Seaport District
Jun 03, 2019

Video: Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale

North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales on the planet. This iconic species could go extinct in our lifetime, but it’s still within our power to save them. Meet the people using the power of the law, science, and photography to save the right whale — and join us in the fight.

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
May 09, 2019

Waterkeeper Launches a Busy Season to Protect the Great Bay-Piscataqua Estuary

As I prepare to launch CLF’s Waterkeeper boat this season, I’m reminded that the Great Bay–Piscataqua Estuary is at the heart of what makes the Seacoast region so special. But our estuary is at a tipping point, with too much nitrogen polluting the water. Learn how you can just us to fight for clean waterways on the Seacoast this summer.