Jun 16, 2023
“The community spoke loud and clear in opposition of this polluting plant,” said CLF Environmental Justice Advocate Jordan Thompson. “The company irresponsibly attempted to push through its plan to build this facility in the middle of a diverse neighborhood that Nashua is invested in improving. The city absolutely made the right decision to deny this plant and protect the health, safety and quality of life of the neighborhood instead.”
Jun 16, 2023
“This kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident,” he said. “There’s a reason why this site is being proposed for an asphalt plant and not a site in Hollis or another community that’s affluent and white.”
Jun 16, 2023
Heidi Trimarco, a staff attorney from the Conservation Law Foundation, said more needs to be done. While she viewed Thursday’s vote as a significant victory, she said New Hampshire needs a comprehensive environmental justice law — and it needs to be enforced.
Jun 07, 2023
Since 2019, CLF has been fighting alongside Bethlehem residents to stop an unnecessary landfill expansion. Now, our fight against Casella heads to the New Hampshire Supreme Court.
May 17, 2023
“One child affected by lead poisoning is too many, and this problem has persisted for far too long,” said Arnold Mikolo, Environmental Justice Advocate at CLF. “Our children deserve to grow up free from this toxic threat. The creation of this commission is a major step towards ending this injustice once and for all and protecting Manchester’s children.”
May 04, 2023
Myranda McGowan’s The Whole Almond is one of the New England food start-ups helped by CLF’s Legal Food Hub.
May 03, 2023
“Goals and promises are meaningless without real action on the ground,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The previous administration took little actual action to meet the goals laid out in Massachusetts’ strong climate laws, we now have an opportunity to do better. If we want to leave a healthy future for the next generation, it’s time to ditch fossil fuels and electrify everything from transportation to home heating, and these petitions lay out steps Massachusetts must take to get us there.”
May 02, 2023
CLF’s Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund has helped finance affordable, walkable, energy-efficient developments that are key to a carbon-free future.
Apr 27, 2023
Time is running out for us to take significant action in cutting climate-damaging emissions in New England and in the country as a whole. The good news is that we are making progress. But the reality is that we don’t have any more time to wait. Extreme weather is already taking lives and increasing pollution.… Continue reading Conservation Matters Spring 2023: Impact Report
Apr 21, 2023
“This is a major step forward for communities that have been ignored for far too long,” said Kate Sinding Daly, Senior Vice President of Law and Policy at CLF. “Climate impacts like extreme heat, pollution, and flooding frequently hit environmental justice communities first and worst, and they are too often left to fend for themselves. It’s about time the federal government took this issue seriously, and we’ll be watching to make sure this order is followed up with real action on the ground.”