5 Questions for Britteny Jenkins
Britteny Jenkins, CLF’s Vice President for the Environmental Justice Program shares her journey and goals for our region. She will lead our transportation, climate justice, and zero waste efforts.
Britteny Jenkins, CLF’s Vice President for the Environmental Justice Program shares her journey and goals for our region. She will lead our transportation, climate justice, and zero waste efforts.
To make closures as painless as possible, the MBTA must prioritize: 1. Timely Announcements, 2. Transit Alternatives, 3. Transparency, 4. Translation, and 5. Thinking Ahead.
Microgrids will provide communities with energy independence, resilience, and security in the face of extreme weather.
“It is unconscionable that anyone would build such a dirty power plant right across the street from a residential neighborhood,” said CLF attorney Johannes Epke. “Inefficient biomass plants like the one proposed here don’t make sense anywhere in 2023, and especially not in a community in Springfield already overburdened by air pollution. Burning wood for electricity worsens asthma and other respiratory conditions and sets us back in reaching mandatory climate goals, and the court made the right decision.”
Outdoorswoman Mardi Fuller has reveled in nature all her life – hiking, backpacking, paddling, and more. In fact, the mountaineer, who enjoys hiking, backcountry skiing, and ice climbing, has earned a rare distinction: In January 2021, she became the first Black person to hike all 48 of New Hampshire’s 4,000-foot peaks in winter. “Maybe 1,000 people… Continue reading Mountaineer Mardi Fuller on Racial Equity in Nature
On a small triangle of land between Bennington and Lawrence Streets stand picnic tables, corrugated metal beds bursting with flowers, and trees in planters of hot pink, lemon yellow, and royal blue. It’s an uplifting treat in this Lawrence, Massachusetts, neighborhood and a considerable contrast to what stood here before – a jumble of parked cars… Continue reading A Cool Place in the Neighborhood
Utility companies are not preparing for the cost of climate change-fueled weather, and consumers are paying for it.
Mining Pickett Mountain would damage irreplaceable Maine wilderness, including protected lands, waters, and species.
Our transition to a clean energy future must benefit those shouldering the worst burdens of pollution, economic loss, and public health harm
Monica Huertas is among those leading the fight for environmental justice in her community. The mother of four’s passion lies in her work as a doula, but she recognizes that for her own kids – and the babies she delivers – to grow up healthy, she and her neighbors must take a stand against the industrial pollution fouling her community.