Feb 21, 2017

CLF Takes Defense of Boston Waterfront to Court

“The Boston waterfront is a public treasure, an engine of tourism and a hub of economic growth, but it all collapses when we neglect our communal right to this resource,” said CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley. “The public has invested well over fifteen billion dollars in the harbor cleanup and waterfront improvements and has a protected privilege to enjoy the benefits of these investments. By approving a luxury residential scheme that essentially privatizes a public resource, the Baker Administration is corrupting a longstanding process designed to protect public interest. The minute we prioritize individual development goals over the public good, we start down a slippery slope that could spell disaster for our communities and our harbor.”

Feb 17, 2017

Whose Side Will Scott Pruitt Really Be On?

Scott Pruitt is more than just a threat to our environment – he’s a threat to our economy, our safety, and our entire way of life. The stakes are too high to stand idly by. CLF is ready for the fight.

Photo: Scott Pruitt
Feb 17, 2017

Citizen Action Turns the Tide on Massive Landfill Expansion in Southbridge

On Monday night, more than 100 people from the south-central Massachusetts towns of Sturbridge, Charlton, and Southbridge turned out for an emergency meeting of the Sturbridge Board of Health. They came to express their anger to the Regional Director of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) that the 19 home wells in the Sturbridge neighborhood… Continue reading Citizen Action Turns the Tide on Massive Landfill Expansion in Southbridge

Feb 15, 2017

Massachusetts Updates Environmental Justice Policy, But Leaves Room for Improvement

Two recent developments have renewed momentum for positive change to environmental justice laws and policies in Massachusetts. First, the State released a long-awaited update to its Environmental Justice Policy – fifteen years after it first issued the policy, and two years after a mandatory deadline for updating it. And, second, a new bill introduced in… Continue reading Massachusetts Updates Environmental Justice Policy, But Leaves Room for Improvement

Feb 02, 2017

Baker Administration Unlawfully Approves Mayor Walsh’s Betrayal of Public Trust

“The Baker Administration is now fully complicit in Mayor Walsh’s unlawful effort to enrich a favored developer using public resources,” said CLF President Bradley M. Campbell. “CLF will now turn to the courts to enforce well-established law and ask the Attorney General to fulfill her duty to protect the public trust. Meanwhile, the City’s unwillingness to stand up for the true stewards of our waterfront – the people of Massachusetts – will again delay needed improvements to this treasured public resource.”

Jan 17, 2017

Been There, Stopped That: Survival Lessons for a Trump Presidency from Maine

As the country girds itself for the incoming Trump administration, we can draw lessons from the experience of Mainers under Governor Paul LePage, who remarked that, before Trump was Trump, LePage was LePage. The parallels to the Trump administration are notable. Like President-elect Trump, Governor LePage did not receive a majority of votes when he… Continue reading Been There, Stopped That: Survival Lessons for a Trump Presidency from Maine

Dec 16, 2016

Trump taps Montana Congressman Zinke to lead Interior Department

… Many environmental groups oppose Zinke for his commitment to fossil fuels and his view that the science on climate change is “unsettled.” Bradley Campbell, the president of the Conservation Law Foundation feared that Zinke would be given the task of unravelling Obama’s protections of the environment and federal lands. Considering Zinke’s history on climate… Continue reading Trump taps Montana Congressman Zinke to lead Interior Department