Jan 03, 2018
“Childhood lead poisoning is a problem of statewide concern, affecting New Hampshire kids in rural and urban communities alike, and across all demographics, said Tom Irwin, director of the New Hampshire office of the Conservation Law Foundation. “But it’s a problem that disproportionately affects low-income families and some of our most vulnerable populations, and by impeding the ability of children to learn, it’s creating yet another barrier for families trying to break the cycle of poverty. Today, the House took an important step towards better protecting New Hampshire’s children and families.”
Jan 03, 2018
Lead poisoning threatens the most vulnerable members of our communities – our children – but it imposes tragically high costs on everyone.
Dec 20, 2017
“From addressing air pollution, to improving public transit, to building sustainable food systems and more, community health is the cornerstone of everything CLF does,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell. “New research collected on-the-ground has enabled us to chart a course for transformational change in Boston and other urban centers across Massachusetts tailored to the unique needs of each community. Thanks to this generous grant from RWJF, this proven model will be expanded and replicated nationally.”
Dec 12, 2017
A country’s tax policy is about a lot more than expenses and revenues. It’s a value statement about who we are as a nation. And as both houses of Congress go through the process of reconciling their tax bills, the statement being made is disturbingly clear. This bill says we value dirty, outdated fossil fuels… Continue reading Congressional Tax Bill a Direct Attack on Environment and Economy
Nov 29, 2017
“More than 350 million single-use plastic bags hit the streets of Boston this year alone, most of which end up filling our landfills, littering our communities, and polluting our air when burned up in incinerators,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “This new ordinance protects the health of our neighborhoods and our environment, while at the same time easing the burden on taxpayers and saving local retailers millions. We are optimistic that Mayor Walsh will follow the lead of 59 other Massachusetts cities and towns and sign this ordinance into law.”
Nov 06, 2017
What if I told you that I wanted to build a facility in your town that would cost taxpayers a lot to construct, but create only a few low-quality jobs? Once operational, it would contaminate the air and groundwater and poison neighbors’ wells for decades. What’s more, this contamination would be largely ignored, and probably… Continue reading Landfills, Incinerators, and Waste Disposal: Not a Necessary Evil, Just Evil
Nov 05, 2017
If there was one issue where candidate Donald Trump seemed to offer a promise that both sides of the aisle could get behind, it was his vow to spend $1 trillion on public works over the next decade. It would be an investment, he said, in repairing and upgrading the nation’s transportation systems. Unlike the… Continue reading We’re Not Waiting for Trump’s Promised Infrastructure Investment
Nov 03, 2017
We are at a defining moment in the effort to avert the threat of climate catastrophe. President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord has put the United States on the wrong side of history. With renewed urgency, CLF is escalating our work to develop legally binding climate laws, like the one we helped create and enforce here in Massachusetts, in every New England state.
Oct 12, 2017
When discussing the tragedy of childhood lead poisoning, I’m often met with the incredulous response “Haven’t we already solved that problem?” It’s a fair question. After all, we’ve known that lead is a dangerous toxin, especially for kids, for decades – even long before the federal government banned lead from paint in 1978 and from… Continue reading Lead Poisoning is 100 Percent Preventable – So Why Is It Still a Problem Today?
Oct 11, 2017
Maine has taken significant strides in preventing childhood lead poisoning by implementing a more protective standard for what constitutes poisoning. But a stronger standard will only help Maine’s children if local officials can actually implement it. And here’s where the State is falling short. As National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (October 22–28, 2017) approaches, we… Continue reading Maine Makes Progress in Efforts to Prevent Lead Poisoning