May 15, 2018

Reclaiming the People’s Harbor

A wave of luxury development threatens to wall off the experience of Boston Harbor from the people who paid to clean it up, just as the waterfront was once literally walled off behind the city’s Central Artery expressway. CLF Senior Counsel Peter Shelley remembers the original campaign to clean up the Boston Harbor, and continues to work on current issues of equity and fairness.

Boston Harbor
May 14, 2018

What’s Wrong with Burning Trash, Anyway?

Incinerator companies have done a great job green-washing their true impacts on communities by implying that so-called “waste-to-incineration” facilities are good neighbors offering a safe process that eliminates waste, allows for robust recycling programs, and generates renewable energy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is burning waste harms the health, environment, and economy of many communities. The perceived benefits simply aren’t worth the risk.

May 09, 2018

CLF Files Appeal to Stop Expansion of Ash Landfill

“The Wheelabrator landfill is the most dangerous in Massachusetts, and it is putting the health of nearby residents at risk,” said Kirstie Pecci, director of the Zero Waste Project and a Senior Fellow at CLF.

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
May 09, 2018

Public Concerns Ignored in Approval of Massive Landfill Expansion

Update May 9, 2018: Conservation Law Foundation has filed an appeal to stop the expansion of the Wheelabrator Saugus ash landfill. When the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) this week gave its final okay for an ash landfill in Saugus to expand, it signaled that polluting our communities and our environment is perfectly fine… Continue reading Public Concerns Ignored in Approval of Massive Landfill Expansion

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
Apr 26, 2018

Stopping Childhood Lead Poisoning

For the past four years, Tom Irwin has talked to countless people about the tragedy of childhood lead poisoning. Especially before the Flint crisis put lead issues back in the headlines, he often would be met with the incredulous response, “But haven’t we solved that problem already?” It’s a fair question, says Irwin, director of… Continue reading Stopping Childhood Lead Poisoning

Apr 24, 2018

CLF gives Vermont a D+ for Lake Champlain clean-up efforts

“Vermonters deserve a safe Lake Champlain, and the state must drastically improve its clean-up efforts,” said CLF Lake Champlain Lakekeeper Rebekah Weber. “Toxic blue-green algae threatens both the health of the lake and the people who enjoy it. Our elected officials must pass legislation that invests in this iconic resource.”

Apr 18, 2018

Conservation Matters Spring 2018: Year in Review

In this special issue of Conservation Matters, we want to take you behind the scenes of our work, to give you a glimpse into how we break down challenges and take advantage of opportunities to create a healthy, thriving New England – not just for today, but for generations to come.

Apr 09, 2018

Baker Administration Allows Expansion of Most Dangerous Landfill in Massachusetts

“By issuing this permit, the Baker administration has clogged our community’s air, water, and land with another 500,000 tons of toxic ash in Rumney Marsh,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of the Zero Waste Project at Conservation Law Foundation. “We will all be able to breathe easier when the Commonwealth stops pandering to dangerous landfills and starts protecting public health by enforcing its zero waste regulations.”

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
Apr 05, 2018

Massachusetts Environmental Justice Act Moves Forward

On a Thursday night in late November of last year, residents from Chelsea and East Boston came out in force for a meeting of Massachusetts’s Energy Facility Siting Board. At issue: a proposal by Eversource, the state’s largest utility company, to build and operate two new 115-kilovolt underground electric transmission lines and an above-ground substation… Continue reading Massachusetts Environmental Justice Act Moves Forward

Massachusetts State House