Counting Down the Weeks to Election Day 2018
As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.
As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.
October 15, 2018: In September, National Grid appealed MassDEP’s written determination requiring them to build a public pathway on their land. CLF – in partnership with Mystic River Watershed Association and Friends of the Malden River – filed a motion to participate in the proceeding. We support MassDEP’s decision and want to ensure that our members… Continue reading More Good News for Public Access in Everett
The Trump administration has proposed changes to how the Endangered Species Act gets implemented that would be detrimental to countless species. Let the administration know you oppose these changes and support a strong Endangered Species Act so that right whales – and thousands of other species – will continue to be protected.
Affordable composting has arrived in Lawrence, Massachusetts. A pilot program spearheaded by local groups and CLF gives residents of the Union Crossing/Duck Mill building an easy way to get their food scraps out of landfills and turned into rich soil.
Schools and childcare centers – places where children spend so much time – can have unsafe levels of lead in their water, putting our kids’ health at risk. To ensure safe water, it’s time for parents and teachers to demand that schools test their water for lead and take measures necessary to protect the health of schoolchildren.
When the Rhode Island General Assembly convened for its 2018 session, CLF and our partners focused on several key measures aimed at combating climate change, reforming how energy projects are sited, and protecting our waters from offshore drilling. With progress on these issues stalled (or moving in reverse) at the national level, state and local… Continue reading Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated
CLF’s Zero Waste program has identified eight New England landfills that want dangerous expansions, a surefire way to increase the pollution they emit into the air, soil, and water. We’re working to stop them from expanding.
Updated on Friday, July 27. As a runner, I know what it’s like to reach the end of a long race. That last mile is when a marathon truly does become a sprint, and it takes tremendous will and energy to push yourself over the finish line. That’s a lot like the end of a… Continue reading Six Bills, Three Weeks: Massachusetts Legislators Need to Hear from You Today
There is currently legislation in front of the Massachusetts House of Representatives that not only threatens public access to Boston’s Waterfront but could set a dangerous precedent for waterfronts across the Commonwealth. If the bill (H.4505) were to pass, the Commercial Wharf East Condominium Association would be allowed to skirt their Chapter 91 obligations to… Continue reading Massachusetts Bill Threatens Waterfront Public Access
The Massachusetts state legislature is considering a bill that would ban plastic bags across the Commonwealth. More than 80 cities and towns in the state have already ousted this plastic pollution from their communities – now our legislature can standardize this practice by enacting a ban statewide.