Jan 29, 2021

Biden’s First Days: Promises Made, Promises Still to Keep

Biden’s flurry of executive orders addressing climate change, conservation, and environmental justice has us optimistic. Now we must ensure his administration follows through and turns these orders into meaningful and actionable policy.

First 100 Days
Jan 27, 2021

President Biden Continues Environmental Actions

“Without strong action now, the climate crisis will devastate our communities, amplify injustice, and destroy ecosystems essential to human survival,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “President Biden is ushering in a new era for climate and environmental justice by prioritizing the needs of communities that have long borne the brunt of pollution and poor health. Conserving 30 percent of our lands and ocean will also allow thriving ecosystems to protect human and natural communities from climate changes already on the way. Today’s announcements are a welcome break from four years of all-out assaults on our environment.”

An image of the exterior of the White House
Jan 15, 2021

Governor Baker Rejects Climate and Justice Legislation

Massachusetts legislators overwhelmingly passed critical climate and justice legislation. But Governor Baker vetoed the bill – choosing not only to ignore sound science, but also to let decades of racist policy targeting low-income, Black, and Brown communities go unchallenged.

The Massachusetts State House
Jan 14, 2021

Donald Trump Incited a Riot. Now He and His Mob Must Be Held Accountable.

Last week, we witnessed a violent display of white supremacy at the U.S. Capitol – a calculated threat to our democracy incited by our sitting president and his unrepentant allies. As an organization dedicated to the rule of law, we at CLF are demanding the thorough investigation, prosecution, and punishment of all of those connected to it – from the inciter-in-chief to those acting at his urging.

Rioters Storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6
Jan 11, 2021

ACE is Working to Reduce Air Pollution in Roxbury

You can’t protect the environment without helping the community. This idea is the backbone for Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE), one of the community-based recipients of funds from CLF’s successful lawsuit against Boston’s school bus operator, which was violating clean air laws.

Alternatives for Community and Environment
Jan 11, 2021

Growing Resilience in Boston Neighborhoods by Planting and Saving Trees

Speak for the Trees focuses on education, empowerment, and advocacy. Yes, they host tree giveaways and tree planting events, but, as its founder explains, “it’s more than just a tree. It’s a way of adapting to this new climate that we’re facing. It’s a way of making sure that Boston is resilient for the future.”

Speak for the Trees
Jan 11, 2021

New England Won Against Transdev – Here’s What Happens Next

In our latest case to stop toxic tailpipe pollution, we sued Transdev Services, Inc., under the federal Clean Air Act. Transdev is a leading provider of transportation throughout the country, including Boston’s public school buses. CLF is holding Transdev accountable by requiring them to fund projects at three local nonprofit organizations: Speak for the Trees, HEET (the Home Energy Efficiency Team), and Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE).

Children on School Bus
Jan 08, 2021

Building Communities That Thrive: A Conversation with Dr. Thea James

It’s tempting to boil down good health solely to factors like medical care, healthy food, and exercise. However, many other dynamics, like historic redlining and racial segregation, along with substandard housing, air pollution, crumbling infrastructure, and lack of access to jobs, healthy food, and green space, all play a role. Perhaps no one understands the interplay of these factors better than those who work in healthcare, including Dr. Thea James, who serves as Boston Medical Center’s Associate Chief Medical Officer, Vice President of Mission, and Director of the Violence Prevention.

Dr. Thea James