Sep 21, 2021

Bill Will Prepare Massachusetts Communities for Climate Change

While cutting our climate-damaging emissions remains critical to combatting climate change, we must also prepare for the impacts we know are coming. If we don’t, the consequences will become much more dire – and much more expensive – in the future.

Jul 15, 2021

Manchester Neighborhoods Face Unequal Treatment

With summer here, Manchester, New Hampshire, residents are spending more time outside, walking city streets or biking through their neighborhoods. Unfortunately, more needs to be done to make sure people across the city can safely enjoy this time outside their homes.

Manchester City Hall
Jul 12, 2021

Here’s What Climate Action Led By and For the Community Looks Like

Extended heat waves, stronger nor’easters, more intense and frequent rainstorms – these are some of the climate impacts expected to affect New England. But they will hit some communities harder than others. Those living in urban areas with little tree cover, for example, suffer more when heat waves strike. The acres of buildings and pavement… Continue reading Here’s What Climate Action Led By and For the Community Looks Like

Lawrence, Massachusetts
Jul 12, 2021

This Community-led Project is Tackling Health and Climate Inequities

With climate impacts already affecting New England – from extended heat waves to heavier and more frequent rains – communities are turning their attention to protecting residents from ever-worsening climate fallout. These impacts will hit some communities harder than others, however. Those living in urban areas with little tree cover, for example, suffer more when heat… Continue reading This Community-led Project is Tackling Health and Climate Inequities

Lawrence, Massachusetts
Jun 21, 2021

Non-English Speakers Must Have a Say in Their Communities

Neighbors of Eagle Hill in East Boston are opposing the construction of a new Eversource electrical substation. But the lack of accessibility for non-English speakers silenced many community members, shutting them out of a process that directly affects their lives and neighborhoods.

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
May 24, 2021

All Communities Deserve A “Cool and Green” COVID Recovery

Like COVID-19, severe heat waves are not an equal opportunity health threat. The most disinvested neighborhoods — those dominated by buildings, pavement, and parking lots — are hit the hardest. The built environment of these places absorbs and traps heat, creating a “heat island effect” that makes them dangerously hotter than other neighborhoods while worsening their air quality.