Jul 25, 2016

Senior Fellowships, Pro Bono

Conservation Law Foundation’s (CLF’s) pro bono “Senior Fellows” support the organization’s mission of protecting New England’s environment for all people.    Senior Fellows Program CLF established the Senior Fellows Program to harness the capacity of mid-and late-career lawyers and other professionals who want to donate their time and expertise during a professional transition such as returning from a career… Continue reading Senior Fellowships, Pro Bono

Jul 22, 2016

Environmental Activists Mourn Lake Champlain

… At first glance, it may have looked like a rally or a protest, but those part of Thursday night’s event said the demonstration serves as a vigil for Lake Champlain. “A lot of people are very frustrated and they’re concerned,” said Rebekah Weber, Lake Keeper, Conservation Law Foundation. Read more here…

Jul 21, 2016

Vermont Gas Unfazed By Latest Obstacles

… Attorneys who have represented opponents in years-long litigation associated with the pipeline say this represents a pattern of behavior. Sandra Levine, a senior attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation, said the company could have avoided destruction of the endangered plants if it had conducted a proper evaluation of the construction site ahead of time.… Continue reading Vermont Gas Unfazed By Latest Obstacles

Jun 21, 2016

Final Guidelines For Lake Champlain Phosphorus Pollution Levels Issued

… Vermont set phosphorus pollution levels for Lake Champlain in 2002.  The EPA reopened the TMDL limits in 2011 in response to a lawsuit filed in 2008 by the Conservation Law Foundation questioning the calculations.  CLF is the host organization for Lake Champlain LakeKeeper Rebekah Weber. Read more here…

Jun 17, 2016

EPA Finalizes Lake Champlain Pollution Targets With Increased Accountability Measures

… In 2008, Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) filed a federal lawsuit that said pollution targets set in 2002 weren’t good enough. “We felt like it was insufficient for protecting the health of the lake,” says Conservation Law Foundation Staff Attorney Elena Mihaly. “The court found in our favor and there was a settlement agreement,and the… Continue reading EPA Finalizes Lake Champlain Pollution Targets With Increased Accountability Measures

May 29, 2016

Clean Energy Powerhouse

… Moving beyond electric energy efficiency, Vermonters now have an array of opportunities to install solar to meet electricity needs. Read more by CLF Senior Attorney Sandy Levine…

Mar 28, 2016

After Feedback From Small Farms, State Delays New Water Quality Standards

… Rebekah Weber, the Lake Champlain Lakekeeper at the Conservation Law Foundation, says CLF also is disappointed by the delay. Weber says the organization will use the extended timeline to push for more stringent Required Agricultural Practices. “The RAP’s list of authorized activities in buffer zones, for example, including grazing, fertilizer application and harvesting, we… Continue reading After Feedback From Small Farms, State Delays New Water Quality Standards

Jan 28, 2016


Vermont doesn’t have a lock on stunning natural settings, but, really, does it get any better than what we have every day? From rugged Camel’s Hump to iconic Lake Champlain, our rural villages to our compact cities, Vermont is our home and it’s the place CLF has pledged to protect with all the passion and expertise that we have.

Vermont environmental conservation