Jan 23, 2024

Vermont Legislature Fails to Override Bottle Bill Veto

“Single-use containers are a scourge on our communities and choke our waters with litter,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Updated bottle and can redemption systems are a proven way to reduce plastic pollution and ensure that these materials are recycled into new products. Vermont has missed a serious opportunity to slash pollution and protect our environment today.”

A person places a plastic water bottle into a bottle redemption machine.
Jan 04, 2024

Conservation Matters: Winter 2023

In the U.S. alone, we send millions of tons of food waste to landfills each year, where that waste produces methane emissions rivaling those from industrial sources.

Newsletter cover reads "Conservation Matters, Conservation Law Foundation" at the top. Image shows a vegetable scraps laying against a bright green background. In the middle of the image are the words "The Climate Cost of Wasted Food".