May 31, 2024

Climate Superfund Law Enacted

May 30, 2024 (Montpelier, VT) – Legislation authorizing the State of Vermont to recoup financial damages caused by climate change from major fossil fuel companies became law today when Governor Phil Scott failed to sign or veto the bill during the constitutionally-mandated five-day consideration period. The enactment of S.259, the Climate Superfund Act, marks a… Continue reading Climate Superfund Law Enacted

An aerial view of Waterbury, Vermont's flooding during the intense rainstorm of Summer 2023. Houses are submerged up to their doorsteps.
Apr 11, 2024

How to Plan a Community Cleanup to Make It Count

Organizing a trash cleanup will only make a tiny dent in all the plastic we toss, but it’s still a great opportunity to care for the environment, get some steps in, and connect with friends and neighbors. They also highlight the detrimental effects that plastic has on our planet! Here’s a guide to plan yours.

Sunny beach day. A person wearing white gloves picks up empty plastic bottles from the sand and puts them inside a black plastic bag as part of a community cleanup. Cleanups like this help document the impact of plastic litter on our environment.