Apr 04, 2022

Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

Despite the clear and present dangers their oil storage facilities pose, including to communities here in New England, Big Oil has failed to invest in measures to safeguard them from sea level rise and increasingly powerful and frequent storms – climate harms their polluting products have caused. Indeed, they haven’t even taken the required steps… Continue reading Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

CLF Conservation Matters Spring 2022
Mar 16, 2022

Environmental Groups Ask EPA to Fix Vermont’s Clean Water Enforcement Challenges

“The ongoing turf war between these two state agencies is harming water quality in Vermont,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “Farmers have made great progress reducing pollution from their properties, but that progress is being hindered by this irreparable bureaucratic conflict. The Agency of Natural Resources should be solely responsible for overseeing the Clean Water Act, and we’re asking the EPA to make sure that happens.”

Mar 10, 2022

Five Elements of a Strong Producer Responsibility for Packaging Bill

A typical trip to the store means leaving with more than I came for. Why? Because everything is needlessly wrapped in layers and layers of packaging. We can and must hold companies responsible for the waste they create. And we can do that through a modern Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law.

pile of packaging waste
Feb 21, 2022

Officials Deny GlobalFoundries Effort to Become its Own Utility

“The PUC made the right call today,” said Chase Whiting, CLF Vermont staff attorney. “Allowing GlobalFoundries to skirt the state’s climate laws would set us back years in reaching our pollution reduction goals. This would be nothing more than an illegal loophole for a wealthy corporation, and officials saw right through it.”

Feb 09, 2022

5 Ways Big Beverage Sabotages Recycling Reform

Big Beverage companies drive the global plastic pollution crisis, thanks to the single-use bottles in which they sell their beverages. They also do everything they can to maintain the status quo by sabotaging efforts to reform our recycling systems. That’s why we’re exposing Big Beverage’s playbook – because we can no longer afford to let them avoid responsibility while we drown in plastic pollution.

beverage conveyer belt