May 20, 2022

President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative Promises to Tackle Climate Injustice – But It Needs to Do Better for Communities of Color

New federal and state laws and policies require government agencies to invest in environmental justice populations. The details behind these requirements must recognize the primary predictor to experience environmental burdens: race. CLF is working to ensure that government investments reach the populations who have endured the brunt of pollution and other consequences of climate change.

Joe Biden speaks to a crowd
May 12, 2022

Scott Sanderson

Scott Sanderson is the Manager of CLF’s Food & Farm Initiative. Scott holds a J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he participated in the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, the Climate Solutions Living Lab, and the Ghana Project. He worked with CLF in Vermont as a T.A. Barron Fellow and with Advocates… Continue reading Scott Sanderson

May 12, 2022

Julie Silverman

As CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper, Julie Silverman works to advocate, inform, and inspire people to protect and restore Lake Champlain and its surrounding natural spaces in order to keep the Lake Champlain region a magnificent place to live, work, and play—the west coast of New England.  Before joining CLF, Julie worked for the State of… Continue reading Julie Silverman

Apr 13, 2022

Global Plastic Treaty Can be a Bold Step in Turning Off the Plastic Tap

For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.

globe in plastic packaging
Apr 08, 2022

Community Servings

Learn how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped support Community Servings and the impact they expect to see on community, health and the environment.
