Feb 07, 2023

Winter Sports in a Warming World

As a skiing enthusiast, New England’s snowy slopes are my winter haven. But climate change is threatening them, and so much more.

Skiers at a downhill ski area
Feb 01, 2023

The Truth About Electric Stoves  

The gas industry is trying to convince us that electric stoves are inferior to gas stoves. But we’ve got the facts that make electric stoves sizzle with potential.

Hand turning on an electric burner
Feb 01, 2023

Vermont Groups Gather to Push for New Clean, Renewable Energy

“We must reform Vermont’s renewable energy rules if we’re serious about meeting our climate goals and slashing dangerous pollution in our communities,” said CLF attorney Chase Whiting. “A portion of our electricity comes from out-of-state fossil fuel plants that pollute communities’ air, destroy our planet, and take hard-earned money from Vermonters. This is unacceptable. It’s time to update these rules to ensure our electricity comes from new clean energy sources like wind and solar, especially those that bring new jobs to Vermont.” 

A solar panel and wind turbine