Jan 04, 2024

Conservation Matters: Winter 2023

In the U.S. alone, we send millions of tons of food waste to landfills each year, where that waste produces methane emissions rivaling those from industrial sources.

Newsletter cover reads "Conservation Matters, Conservation Law Foundation" at the top. Image shows a vegetable scraps laying against a bright green background. In the middle of the image are the words "The Climate Cost of Wasted Food".
Nov 21, 2023

Burlington to Move Forward with Polluting Wood-Fired Heat Plans

“It’s plain and simple: burning wood pollutes our air and worsens the climate crisis,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “McNeil is a dirty facility that’s approaching the end of its life, and this proposal will give it a lifeline to pollute for years to come. From a climate perspective, we have no choice but to move past burning wood for electricity in favor of clean energy like wind and solar.”

A pile of wood chips, increasing in height as it continues towards the right. A vehicle tire is behind it.
Nov 07, 2023

In the Eye of a Storm

The climate crisis is here. That means we must not only focus on how to prevent future climate impacts but also on how to preserve life and prevent damage to our homes, neighborhoods, and cities today. Here’s how.

This aerial photo shows flooding in a neighborhood in Montpelier, Vermont. Brown water covers the streets and yards of homes and businesses. Green mountains rise in the distance. Photo credit: Vince Franke