Sep 13, 2017

Volunteers Making New Hampshire’s Great Bay a Little Bit Greater

I’ll admit it – I was a little nervous about this year’s Great Bay Kayak Clean-up. More than 25 people from Timberland, a Seacoast-based company that supports its staff who do community service, had eagerly volunteered to snug themselves into kayaks and spend their day getting wet and dirty while collecting trash along the shores… Continue reading Volunteers Making New Hampshire’s Great Bay a Little Bit Greater

Aug 03, 2017

Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has now openly denied the scientific consensus that climate change is primarily caused by excess heat-trapping carbon in our atmosphere. Initially, we were hopeful the governor might rise above partisan politics and family prejudices (his brother Michael is an outspoken climate denier) to take a responsible position on climate change.… Continue reading Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions

Jul 28, 2017

Whale Watch

The story of North Atlantic right whales is a sadly familiar one. Historically, they were targeted by whalers because they were commercially lucrative and easy to kill. Today, with barely 500 North Atlantic right whales left on the planet, they face threats from warming waters, which push their food sources north, as well as fishing net entanglements and ship collisions.

Jun 30, 2017

Big Decision Issued on Solar in New Hampshire

A big decision on solar makes cuts to net metering in the Granite State, but creates a clean energy path with the potential to transform the state’s energy planning.

Jun 26, 2017

NH Net Metering Ruling Keeps State on Path to More Clean Energy

“This decision includes cuts to an important program for clean energy in the Granite State and is far from perfect. However, it provides a framework to ensure New Hampshire doesn’t fall behind in the clean energy economy,” said CLF attorney Melissa Birchard. “Thanks to a clean energy roadmap proposed by CLF and others, the PUC will launch an effort to document the many benefits that rooftop solar and other local, clean energy offers New Hampshire families and businesses. At the same time, the PUC will initiate pilot programs to demonstrate the untapped ways that innovative technologies can save us all money and strengthen the electric grid. We are optimistic that this new policy will put our state on a path to cleaner, healthier and safer communities for years to come.”

Jun 23, 2017

The Threat of Plastic Pollution

Last week, I gave a presentation on the pollutants that plague Lake Champlain. On one slide I focused on the negative impacts of microbeads – miniature plastic balls so tiny that they slip through wastewater treatment systems and wind up in our lakes (and rivers, streams, and ocean). Once in the water, microbeads don’t biodegrade… Continue reading The Threat of Plastic Pollution
