Mar 27, 2024

Last Coal Power Plants In New England Will Close

“The end of coal in New Hampshire, and for the New England region as a whole, is now certain and in sight,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President Conservation Law Foundation in New Hampshire. “Now we must vigorously push for the phaseout of other polluting fuels like oil and gas. New England is positioned to be a leader in building a future where our energy comes from 100% clean sources, and fossil fuels no longer pollute the climate and threaten the health of our communities.”

An angled, overhead view of the Merrimack coal station.
Mar 18, 2024

The Truth About Carbon Footprints

The carbon footprint concept was a clever marketing tool used by fossil fuel companies to spread the blame on carbon pollution.

water droplet in the shape of a foot on a leaf
Mar 13, 2024

The Power of Policy

CLF is creating climate policies that will dramatically cut carbon emissions, particularly in polluting sectors like transportation.

Cars crossing a highway bridge at night
Mar 01, 2024

Biden Nominates Three New Candidates for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 

“Judy Chang’s nomination sends a strong signal that the White House is committed to sound energy policy, a just transition to clean energy, and openness to reforms that would make FERC a full partner in protecting both the environment and the economy in the energy transition now underway,” said Brad Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “Regardless of who is appointed, we will be at the table urging the Commission to stop the unrelenting expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure that FERC historically has encouraged.”

At an angle facing upwards, against a blue sky, are two electricity transmission towers.