Sep 22, 2020

What Is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

A Renewable Energy Certificate is a way to measure and track the production of clean energy. It’s how states and utilities track how much clean energy is being produced by renewable energy sources and which electrical utilities are buying that power.

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Sep 21, 2020

What Is a Renewable Portfolio Standard?

A Renewable Portfolio Standard is a way for states to ensure their electric utilities – and by extension, the states themselves – are making progress on clean energy. The best policies heavily emphasize clean renewables like wind and solar.

A Renewable Portfolio Standard helps boost jobs in the clean energy industry
Sep 14, 2020

3M Lawsuit Delays Critical Drinking Water Tests in New Hampshire

Every New Hampshire resident should be able to turn on their taps without wondering if the water is safe to drink. Yet a judge’s order to postpone testing of public water systems for dangerous chemicals is leaving residents in the dark about how best to keep themselves and their families safe.

Sep 10, 2020

Lessons from the Gulf: Protecting New England Communities from Toxic Spills

The impacts of Hurricanes Harvey and Laura on oil and chemical facilities in Texas and Louisiana were foreseeable. Yet, Big Oil giants like ExxonMobil and Shell have left their facilities there vulnerable – and now the surrounding communities are paying a terrible, long-term price. It is difficult to grapple with such a massive corporate failure. We can’t risk the same happening here in New England.

Sep 09, 2020

Liberty Abandons Plans for Costly, Polluting Pipeline

After a three-year battle, Liberty Utilities has dropped plans for a controversial gas pipeline and liquified natural gas storage facility. This unnecessary, dirty project would have cost an eye-watering $400 million dollars – saddling New Hampshire families and businesses with the costs for decades to come.

Liberty Utilities has dropped its Granite Bridge plans
Sep 08, 2020

Our Ocean Is Part of the Climate Solution

As we celebrate the four-year anniversary of New England’s national monuments, CLF is part of a growing movement of scientists, policymakers, businesses, and conservation organizations in the United States and around the world calling for the global protection of at least 30% of land and 30% of the ocean by 2030.

Aug 25, 2020

Guest Blog: Trump Rollbacks on Water Protection Threaten My Family Business

Tom Caron is a co-owner of Tall Timber, a hunting and fishing lodge at the headwaters of the Connecticut River. The far reaches of northern New Hampshire are home to the headwaters of New England’s great Connecticut River. At 410 miles in length, the Connecticut forms the boundary of New Hampshire and Vermont, then flows… Continue reading Guest Blog: Trump Rollbacks on Water Protection Threaten My Family Business

Tall Timber Connecticut River
Aug 20, 2020

Waste Incineration is an Environmental Justice Issue

Communities across New England deal with the crude repercussions of local incinerators every day. As long we allow these facilities to operate, they will continue to poison our planet and our people.

incineration plant near neighborhoods
Aug 13, 2020

Is New Hampshire School Drinking Water Safe?

At a time of great concern about the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential risks posed to students, teachers, and families, it’s important not to lose sight of a lingering, ongoing health problem – one that can have lifelong consequences for our kids, but that is easily preventable: lead-contaminated drinking water.