Feb 08, 2021

3 Ways North Atlantic Right Whales Help Solve Climate Change

From the second they are born to their last breath, North Atlantic right whales help our climate by making our ocean more resilient. We need to push for their protection so that they can do their part in helping to create a greater future for all.

North Atlantic right whales help our climate and make our ocean more resilient. We must push for better protections to protect our valuable partners in this fight. Photo: NOAA
Jan 29, 2021

Judge Rules Against State in New Hampshire Fish Hatchery Case

“Pollution from the state’s Powder Mill hatchery continues to poison the Merrymeeting River,” said Kenta Tsuda, CLF Staff Attorney. “It’s time the state is finally held accountable for undermining the river’s ecosystem and imperiling public health. The court’s ruling is an important step forward in cleaning up and protecting this river once and for all.”

Jan 27, 2021

Biden’s Federal Flood Protections Are Positive Step But Local Action Needed, Too

Advocates cheered when President Biden reinstated the Obama-era flood protection standard among his first acts in office. The Biden administration is sending a clear signal that building according to climate patterns of the past is no longer acceptable – we must acknowledge and address increasingly frequent and extreme flooding caused by climate change. Reinstating the federal standard is a critical first step for increasing our national infrastructure’s climate resilience – one that signals the urgent need for action here at home.

Tropical Storm Irene Floods Buildings in Quechee Vermont
Jan 27, 2021

Guest Post: Will Developers Slow the Path to Net Zero?

Cities with aggressive climate standards are running into roadblocks. Achieving these goals will require strong building energy codes and ending the use of fossil fuels in buildings and homes. We’re starting to see that neither the natural gas utilities nor the real estate industry will sit by quietly as cities and states enforce stronger building codes and ban natural gas infrastructure in new construction.

Boston Seaport construction
Jan 20, 2021

New Bethlehem Landfill Operations Must Not Begin

“It simply makes sense to wait until the permit appeals process is finished before allowing this landfill to accept more waste,” said Heidi Trimarco, Staff Attorney for CLF New Hampshire. “This final proposed stage of the Bethlehem landfill is not needed, and it undermines both the state’s waste reduction goal and requirements for reducing landfilling. It’s time we stop relying on endless landfill expansions and start protecting communities by recycling, composting, and reducing waste at the source.”

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Jan 08, 2021

Building Communities That Thrive: A Conversation with Dr. Thea James

It’s tempting to boil down good health solely to factors like medical care, healthy food, and exercise. However, many other dynamics, like historic redlining and racial segregation, along with substandard housing, air pollution, crumbling infrastructure, and lack of access to jobs, healthy food, and green space, all play a role. Perhaps no one understands the interplay of these factors better than those who work in healthcare, including Dr. Thea James, who serves as Boston Medical Center’s Associate Chief Medical Officer, Vice President of Mission, and Director of the Violence Prevention.

Dr. Thea James
Dec 20, 2020

Conservation Matters: Fall 2020

This past year was one of the most challenging our country has faced in many of our lifetimes. Both the COVID-19 pandemic and the summer’s protests against police violence have forced deep, damaging inequities in our society out into the light of day. Now, as we start the new year, it’s up to all of us to ensure they not only stay there but that we actively work to redress them.

CLF Conservation Matters Fall 2020
Dec 17, 2020

Why We Should Modernize Our Electric Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But times have changed. Today, we can harness clean, renewable energy right where we live. But we have to update our electric grid to take advantage of it.