Apr 13, 2022

Global Plastic Treaty Can be a Bold Step in Turning Off the Plastic Tap

For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.

globe in plastic packaging
Apr 04, 2022

Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

Despite the clear and present dangers their oil storage facilities pose, including to communities here in New England, Big Oil has failed to invest in measures to safeguard them from sea level rise and increasingly powerful and frequent storms – climate harms their polluting products have caused. Indeed, they haven’t even taken the required steps… Continue reading Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

CLF Conservation Matters Spring 2022
Apr 04, 2022

CLF Sues Nylon Corp. of America for Polluting the Merrimack River

address Clean Water Act violations at its nylon manufacturing facility in Manchester, NH. The company’s wastewater and stormwater discharges are polluting the Merrimack River with toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

“Communities and wildlife depend on a clean and safe Merrimack River, and Nylon is contaminating it with toxic pollutants,” said Erica Kyzmir-McKeon, CLF staff attorney. “The company is breaking the law, and it must be held accountable for these Clean Water Act violations immediately. Each day that passes means more harmful pollution is flowing into the Merrimack, and this is completely unacceptable.”

Mar 10, 2022

Five Elements of a Strong Producer Responsibility for Packaging Bill

A typical trip to the store means leaving with more than I came for. Why? Because everything is needlessly wrapped in layers and layers of packaging. We can and must hold companies responsible for the waste they create. And we can do that through a modern Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law.

pile of packaging waste
Mar 03, 2022

Dangerous Pollution Puts New England’s Iconic Rivers at Risk

New England’s industrial rivers are starting to turn a new page thanks to the Clean Water Act. But more work needs to be done. The Blackstone River still suffers from industrial pollution, including lead, iron, oil, grease, and foam. The Mystic River also endures harmful levels of oil, grease, foam, and petroleum pollution, while aluminum contaminates the Merrimack River.

A scrap metal facility with a large pile of rusted cars, trucks and other trash.