Aug 01, 2022

The Road to Ropeless Fishing Gear

Fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales remain on the planet today and that makes an encounter with one a rare experience. Yet, sadly, the entanglement scars that about 85% of these precious creatures carry on their bodies are far from rare. A solution is in the works that could allow whales and lobstermen to coexist: ropeless gear.

Right whale trailing fishing gear
Jul 25, 2022

Helping Justice Take Root

CLF is working to build an environmental justice movement from the ground up in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Girl Climbing Tree
Jul 21, 2022

From Promises to Action

Just as CLF helped to lead the passing of landmark laws in almost every New England state, we must now watchdog their implementation. Because the consequences if these laws languish are too dire to be ignored.

Boston Skyline with Turbine
Jul 13, 2022

The Supreme Court’s Recent Blow to National Climate Action Spurs Our Fight Locally

The Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia is a setback, to be sure. But it is also a reminder of the importance of action at the regional, state, and local levels – action that we have been leading here in New England for more than a decade as we waited – and waited – for federal climate rules to come into play.

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Jul 11, 2022

The Truth About “Advanced Recycling” Systems

So-called “advanced recycling” is a ruse. The term is part of a larger disinformation – or greenwashing – campaign. That campaign’s goal: to distract lawmakers and the public from real solutions to the world’s plastic crisis.

Jun 24, 2022

NH Governor Vetoes Much-Needed Landfill Siting Bill

“Governor Sununu let New Hampshire down today,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President of CLF New Hampshire. “While we ultimately need to move away from landfilling, it’s critical that the state develop strong laws regarding how and where these facilities are allowed to be located. All landfills eventually leak toxic pollutants and this bill would have ensured that our waters are better protected. The legislature must override this veto.”

landfill with garbage trucks