Sep 08, 2022

EPA Joins CLF Lawsuit Against New Hampshire Fish Hatchery

“Significant pollution has plagued the Merrymeeting River and threatened Lake Winnipesaukee for many years,” said Tom Irwin, CLF Vice President for New Hampshire. “The EPA clearly saw the importance of this case and chose to intervene to protect the health of these waters. While there is still some process remaining, we’re on a path to resolving this case and ending this harmful pollution.”

Aug 31, 2022

Environmental group criticizes state’s draft solid waste plan

“The Department of Environmental Services is completely abdicating their responsibility to address out-of-state waste,” said Heidi Trimarco, an attorney with CLF New Hampshire. “DES should be committing to do something, anything about out-of-state waste.”

Aug 29, 2022

New Hampshire’s Inadequate Draft Solid Waste Plan

“After DES blatantly ignored the law requiring an updated waste plan, any progress is a step in the right direction,” said CLF New Hampshire attorney Heidi Trimarco. “But this draft plan is inadequate and uninspiring. Instead of demonstrating leadership and providing the guidance New Hampshire needs, DES has provided just a laundry list of recommendations, without any real steps to actually achieve them.”  

landfill with garbage trucks
Aug 16, 2022

N.H. Set to Allow Toxic Plastic Burning

“So-called ‘advanced recycling’ really isn’t recycling at all,” said Tom Irwin, CLF vice president for New Hampshire. “It’s expensive, high-heat technology that effectively burns plastic waste, creating dangerous air pollution. And with Governor Sununu and the Legislature rolling out the welcome mat for ‘advanced recycling’ – making New Hampshire a magnet for these facilities and out-of-state plastics waste – it’s essential that regulators have all the necessary tools to protect the health of our communities.”

pile of trash
Aug 15, 2022

Regenerative Agriculture for New England

Regenerative farmers can play a role in combatting the climate crisis. However, if more farmers are to transition to climate-smart regenerative agriculture, they need sufficient technical and financial support. 

Regenerative Agriculture in New England
Aug 03, 2022

Breaking Down Big Plastic

Big Plastic is working to block progress on laws to regulate plastic pollution. Here’s how CLF and our allies are fighting back.

Plastic bottle in recycling machine