Jun 28, 2024

Supreme Court Rules in Chevron Doctrine Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned 40 years of precedent and practice comprising the “Chevron doctrine,” under which federal courts defer to an agency’s interpretation of ambiguous legal terms when Congress has given that agency authority to implement the law.

view of facade of Supreme Court building
Jun 25, 2024

3 Reasons New Hampshire Needs a Bottle Bill  

Thanks to bottle bills, many New England states have increased recycling rates and now rank among the top states in the country. New Hampshire still lacks a bottle bill. Learn why that matters.

Photo of an empty plastic bottle being tossed into a plastic bag. The image is taken from inside the plastic bag, and one can see the outline of a hand tossing the bottle. Behind, a bright sunset shines through the litter.
Jun 12, 2024

Four Wonders I Saw at Cashes Ledge

Cashes Ledge is an underwater mountain range that nurtures a multitude of species, many of them vulnerable to human impacts as well as climate change.

Fish swimming amid kelp at Cashes Ledge