Jul 07, 2023

Special Interests Aim to Sink Regulations Protecting Endangered Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales are on the verge of extinction – and we humans remain the biggest threat to their survival. Scientists are clear: We can’t afford to lose even one whale a year due to human causes if this critically endangered species is to recover. Collisions with boats and ships are one of those… Continue reading Special Interests Aim to Sink Regulations Protecting Endangered Right Whales

‘Infinity’ and calf were sighted 16.5 nautical miles off Amelia Island, FL on January 17, 2021. Catalog #3230 is 19 years old and this is her 1st calf.
Jun 07, 2023

A Smoke Signal We Should Heed

Wildfires in Canada are creating a smoky haze around New England as a signal of the costs of climate change.

A hazy Boston skyline as a result of raging wildfires in Canada is a sign of the impacts of climate change.
Jun 05, 2023

EPA Pulls Advanced Recycling Proposal

“So-called advanced recycling is too often just incineration by another name,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “EPA is right to reverse course on a proposal that would have validated the petrochemical industry’s deceit, increased toxic exposure in communities, and accelerated the already overwhelming proliferation of single-use plastics threatening our health and our environment.“  

trash can filled with plastic waste
May 25, 2023

Supreme Court Rolls Back Clean Water Act Protections

“As millions of Americans prepare to enjoy Memorial Day Weekend, the Supreme Court has torpedoed protections for treasured waters safeguarded by the Clean Water Act,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The Court has commandeered the power to curtail Congress’ authority whenever it impinges on the rights of polluters and property owners. The decision is devastating not only for the environment, but also for countless families and businesses whose health, safety, and prosperity depend on wetlands for safe drinking water, flood and storm protection, and a vibrant tourism economy.”

Wetlands in Newburyport, Massachusetts