Jan 27, 2021

Biden’s Federal Flood Protections Are Positive Step But Local Action Needed, Too

Advocates cheered when President Biden reinstated the Obama-era flood protection standard among his first acts in office. The Biden administration is sending a clear signal that building according to climate patterns of the past is no longer acceptable – we must acknowledge and address increasingly frequent and extreme flooding caused by climate change. Reinstating the federal standard is a critical first step for increasing our national infrastructure’s climate resilience – one that signals the urgent need for action here at home.

Tropical Storm Irene Floods Buildings in Quechee Vermont
Jan 21, 2021

Biden Climate Team Promises New Path Forward for Our Country

When President Joe Biden formally announced his administration’s climate team this month, you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from people not just in our country but around the globe. Biden’s nominees will be charged with implementing his “ambitious plan to address the existential threat of our time: climate change.”

An image of the exterior of the White House
Jan 21, 2021

President Biden’s flurry of actions to protect the environment reignites a controversy about the Atlantic’s only marine monument

“Last summer, we watched in shock as President Trump effectively nullified the monument status of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts by opening it to commercial fishing,” said Bradley Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation. “Defending this monument is critical for protecting valuable species, confronting the climate crisis, and leaving a healthy ocean for future generations.”

Jan 20, 2021

Biden Commits to Environment on Day One

“President Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement rights an egregious wrong and will require bold U.S. leadership to make up for four years of climate denial,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The only way we’re going to protect our communities, economy, and homes from the climate crisis is by leading internationally. President Biden must translate his campaign commitments into far more than the modest measures the U.S. put on the table when the Paris agreement was struck.”

Joe Biden speaks to a crowd
Jan 19, 2021

Court Rejects Trump Emissions Rollbacks

“The court saw right through the Trump Administration’s naked attempt to throw a lifeline to dirty outmoded coal plants,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Decimating critical emissions standards would have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans by the EPA’s own estimates. It’s fitting that an administration solely focused on destructive environmental rollbacks has been handed a resounding defeat on its last day in office.”

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Jan 14, 2021

Donald Trump Incited a Riot. Now He and His Mob Must Be Held Accountable.

Last week, we witnessed a violent display of white supremacy at the U.S. Capitol – a calculated threat to our democracy incited by our sitting president and his unrepentant allies. As an organization dedicated to the rule of law, we at CLF are demanding the thorough investigation, prosecution, and punishment of all of those connected to it – from the inciter-in-chief to those acting at his urging.

Rioters Storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6
Jan 13, 2021

Groups Sue Feds to Protect Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales From Vessel Strikes

“Roughly half of all right whale deaths are because they are run over and killed by speeding boats, and this unprecedented delay is only making matters worse,” said Erica Fuller, a senior attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “It shouldn’t take a lawsuit to force regulators to make the common-sense decision to reduce vessel speeds in areas where right whales are present. The new administration must act quickly and avoid repeating the same mistakes of the Trump years.”

Injured north Atlantic right whale #4150 bears deep scars from propeller strike, last seen in 2019.
Dec 30, 2020

NOAA Proposes New Rule to Protect Right Whales

“After such an unprecedented delay, this new rule will help stem the surge of right whale deaths we’ve seen over the last several years,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Ropeless fishing is the only solution that protects whales and fishermen, and the rule expands that practice. However, NOAA must end its reliance on weak rope as a solution and get emergency protections on the water immediately while this rule is finalized.”

right whale aerial shot
Dec 30, 2020

New Proposed Lobstering Rules Call For Seasonal Closures, Gear Tweaks To Reduce Right Whale Deaths

Conservationists call the rule a good first step, but way late, and it doesn’t do nearly enough to avert the whale’s extinction. Here’s Erica Fuller, of the Conservation Law Foundation: ‘We’re concerned about the agency’s reliance on weak rope,’ Fuller says, ‘and we’re concerned that it doesn’t appear that they are going to take any emergency action before these measures are effective on the water.’

Dec 21, 2020

Agreement to Cut Transportation Emissions Finalized

“TCI has the potential to fill a glaring gap in transportation funding and to reduce emissions, but it has been fraught by a process that too often ignored community concerns,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “While today’s agreement includes important equity commitments, it is the next steps that matter most. CLF can only support this program if these commitments become enforceable policies and truly additive investments in climate and the communities suffering most from air pollution and lack of transportation options.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards