Apr 29, 2022
As New Englander’s, we are lucky to have our very own marine National Monument in our backyards. But it shouldn’t be the last. Here are 5 reasons why we must continue to protect special places in our ocean.
Apr 13, 2022
For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.
Apr 08, 2022
We need clean energy without having to risk our health and climate. Responsible offshore wind offers a viable solution, but it has to be done right – including to protect marine species. That’s why CLF and our partners worked to develop best practices for developers to utilize and get offshore wind right for North Atlantic right whales.
Mar 03, 2022
New England’s industrial rivers are starting to turn a new page thanks to the Clean Water Act. But more work needs to be done. The Blackstone River still suffers from industrial pollution, including lead, iron, oil, grease, and foam. The Mystic River also endures harmful levels of oil, grease, foam, and petroleum pollution, while aluminum contaminates the Merrimack River.
Mar 02, 2022
“Pollution from cars and trucks chokes our communities and worsens the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “The science is clear: the only way to reach our climate goals is by drastically curbing transportation emissions, and fast. This new rule must be allowed to stand, and we look forward to helping defend it in court.”
Feb 09, 2022
Big Beverage companies drive the global plastic pollution crisis, thanks to the single-use bottles in which they sell their beverages. They also do everything they can to maintain the status quo by sabotaging efforts to reform our recycling systems. That’s why we’re exposing Big Beverage’s playbook – because we can no longer afford to let them avoid responsibility while we drown in plastic pollution.
Feb 09, 2022
“For decades, the beverage industry has done everything in its power to keep our failed recycling systems in place and prevent new solutions,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “Most bottles and cans in the U.S. still end up buried in landfills, burned in incinerators, or littering our communities. We must hold Big Beverage accountable for the mess it’s made and invest in real solutions for bottle and can recycling.”
Feb 09, 2022
We’re exposing Big Beverage’s playbook – because we can no longer afford to let them avoid responsibility while we drown in plastic pollution.
Feb 07, 2022
Where we live affects how much pollution we experience each day. It affects how long our commute is, how hot our neighborhood gets in the summer, whether we can afford winter heating bills, how much or how little open space we have around us, and whether we have access to healthy homes, nourishing food, and quality schools.
Jan 21, 2022
A previous version of this blog was published in August, 2017 With the federal government stymied over any meaningful climate legislation, it’s up to the states to take the lead on curbing carbon pollution. Here in New England, such leadership is nothing new. Five New England states have climate laws in the books, mandating cuts… Continue reading Carbon Pricing 101