A Firsthand Account of the Ravages of Lead Poisoning
Joan Valk, a Family Support Specialist at Child Family Services in New Hampshire, sees the terrible impact of lead poisoning on children and families every day.
Joan Valk, a Family Support Specialist at Child Family Services in New Hampshire, sees the terrible impact of lead poisoning on children and families every day.
If your home was built before 1978, it’s essential to the health of your family that you ask an important question: Will my home improvement project disturb lead-based paint?
Immediate action is required to save the North Atlantic right whale. Getting an accurate Biological Opinion is a key step.
“Planning for open space and climate resilience is important, but planning without concrete action isn’t enough,” said Deanna Moran, Director of Environmental Planning at CLF.
“What the tragedy in the Merrimack Valley makes clear is that we need to be weaning ourselves off natural gas now,” said Bradley Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston. “This is a system with too many risks and vulnerabilities.’’
A federal judge ruled that the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument was created legally. The ruling confirms that the Antiquities Act can be used to protect the ocean, keeping these underwater spaces safe from oil drilling and commercial fishing.
“The power industry tried every trick in the book to avoid the inevitable, and the state’s highest court rejected each one,” said David Ismay, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The goal of our appeals was to ensure these fossil fuel power generators would reduce their emissions year after year for the sake of our communities and the climate. And the recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling has done just that. We still have a long way to go in the fight to halt climate change and build a thriving clean energy economy, but for the time being, our work with these plants is done.”
CLF dismissed three appeals challenging the permits for two new gas-fired power plants after Massachusetts’ highest court reaffirmed that lowering climate-damaging emissions is the law of the land in the Commonwealth.
Public space is about people feeling welcome to use it. CLFs Pitch A Blanket event was a reminder that meaningful public access to the water – not just token spaces – are essential for the city to come to life.
As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.