Dec 05, 2018

A People’s Guide for the People’s Harbor

CLF’s “People’s Guide to the Public Waterfront Act” gives you the tools to access and enjoy the public Boston Harbor and other waterfront areas in the state. It demystifies the complex regulations that some developers have exploited made it look like their public land is only for private use.

Nov 15, 2018

The MBTA has a new watcher

“I think we all have more common interests than not, in wanting a metro area that works, and a broader region that works,” said Amy Laura Cahn, a senior attorney at CLF.

Nov 08, 2018

Video: What Do the Midterms Mean for New Englanders?

The day after the election, CLF President Brad Campbell joined Staff Attorney Emily Green and special guest Jamie Hoyte – former Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs and currently Senior Advisor with Tremont Strategies Group – to talk through what the election results mean for New Englanders.

Oct 30, 2018

Protecting New Englanders from Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water

A version of this blog was published on September 12.  New Englanders can no longer take the safety of our drinking water for granted. The widespread contamination of drinking water supplies in New England and the United States with toxic chemicals has grabbed our attention and forced the question: just how safe is our drinking water?… Continue reading Protecting New Englanders from Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water

A water faucet
Oct 29, 2018

No Time to Spare in Cutting Carbon Emissions

There is still time to stop irreversible climate change if we act now. But we have to act fast or else the consequences will be dire and inescapable. That, in a nutshell, is what more than 90 of the top climate scientists from 40 countries around the world announced recently in a special report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC).

We have to act fast to cut carbon emissions or the consequences will be dire and inescapable.
Oct 25, 2018

Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their kids being poisoned by drinking fountains in their school,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “In the absence of action from the state legislature, school districts must test for lead and make parents and officials aware of the results. The health of our children must come first.”
