Aug 02, 2018

EPA Rolls Back Clean Car Standards

“The EPA and NHTSA are prioritizing fossil fuel interests over the health of our communities,” said CLF Staff Attorney Emily K. Green. “Strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to addressing climate change, and weakening them will put the health of millions of Americans at risk. This decision disproportionately harms the most vulnerable among us, while forcing families and businesses to pay more at the pump. We will continue to fight this rollback with every tool available.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Jul 31, 2018

Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

This week, Massachusetts had a chance to make meaningful progress on clean energy. With a slew of bills in front of them, the legislature was poised to minimize electricity costs, bolster local job growth, and protect its people from the worst effects of climate change. Instead, our legislators made only half-hearted nods towards progress, falling… Continue reading Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

The Massachusetts Legislature missed their chance to lead on energy today. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
Jul 26, 2018

Conservation Matters Summer 2018

The prosperity of future generations of New Englanders depends on the health of our waters and marine resources and the public’s ability to access them.

CLF Conservation Matters Summer 2018
Jul 25, 2018

Massachusetts Bill Threatens Waterfront Public Access

There is currently legislation in front of the Massachusetts House of Representatives that not only threatens public access to Boston’s Waterfront but could set a dangerous precedent for waterfronts across the Commonwealth. If the bill (H.4505) were to pass, the Commercial Wharf East Condominium Association would be allowed to skirt their Chapter 91 obligations to… Continue reading Massachusetts Bill Threatens Waterfront Public Access

Jul 23, 2018

Proposed Plastic Bag Ban Would Benefit Environment and Economy

The Massachusetts state legislature is considering a bill that would ban plastic bags across the Commonwealth. More than 80 cities and towns in the state have already ousted this plastic pollution from their communities – now our legislature can standardize this practice by enacting a ban statewide.

Jul 22, 2018

The waterfront is for all

Let’s be clear: CLF doesn’t want to stop thoughtful, responsible development – it is just the opposite. We believe these plans must be made with full public input and with public rights as the guiding principle, not just the trailing afterthought.