Jun 04, 2019

Pay attention to the growing wave of climate change lawsuits

Meanwhile, a federal judge in Boston in March allowed a suit filed by the Conservation Law Foundation against Exxon to go forward. The suit alleges the company failed to protect an oil storage facility against the impacts of climate change.

Jun 03, 2019

Video: Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale

North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales on the planet. This iconic species could go extinct in our lifetime, but it’s still within our power to save them. Meet the people using the power of the law, science, and photography to save the right whale — and join us in the fight.

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
Jun 03, 2019

Offshore drilling ban gets airing

“Massachusetts has always been a leader in prohibiting oil and gas development off its shores in federal waters,” said Peter Shelley, a senior attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation, which backs the proposal. “Something like this makes a lot of sense, even if it is somewhat symbolic at this point. It’s kind of a belt and suspenders approach.”

May 17, 2019

National Research Study Affirms Connections Between Health and Housing

New England has a housing crisis – and it’s impacting our health. These are the findings of the latest County Health Rankings, a project of the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The study found that housing affordability and quality are major influencers of health here in New England.

Playground at Chelsea Flats
May 17, 2019

Tailpipe Pollution is Harming Our Children’s Health

Tailpipe pollution from idling vehicles wreaks havoc on our environment and our health. Laws to prevent excessive idling are rarely enforced, so CLF is stepping in to hold New England’s biggest tailpipe polluters accountable.

May 16, 2019

CLF takes on a fight for industrial uses, this time in Charlestown

Campbell says CLF is championing this cause because of its role as a watchdog of state waterfront regulations, a responsibility that includes designated port areas. He says CLF has become more involved lately because these industrial parcels, and the jobs they support, are under greater threat amid the heat of the real estate market.