Jan 08, 2024

Plastic Free Mass Urges Legislators to Fix Recycling System

“Massachusetts beaches and waterways are choking with trash,” said CLF attorney Mara Shulman. “Across the state, volunteers are spending countless hours picking up litter. This is unsustainable. Updating the Bottle Bill will not only slash litter, but it will also reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. It’s time for legislators to meet this moment and stop relying on volunteers to clean up litter when a legislative solution is at our fingertips.”

A person places a plastic water bottle into a bottle redemption machine.
Jan 04, 2024

Conservation Matters: Winter 2023

In the U.S. alone, we send millions of tons of food waste to landfills each year, where that waste produces methane emissions rivaling those from industrial sources.

Newsletter cover reads "Conservation Matters, Conservation Law Foundation" at the top. Image shows a vegetable scraps laying against a bright green background. In the middle of the image are the words "The Climate Cost of Wasted Food".
Jan 03, 2024

Vineyard Wind Sends Power to Grid for First Time

“This is a historic moment that’s been years in the making,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “It’s proof positive that New England’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean, renewable energy is underway in earnest. We must now quadruple the rate of clean energy deployment, and New England is where it can be done responsibly.”

An offshore wind turbine against a blue sky
Dec 12, 2023

Elizabeth Etrie

Elizabeth “Libby” Etrie is the Director of Ocean Policy in our Oceans program. Libby joins CLF with over a decade of experience working on a variety of fisheries and ocean conservation initiatives, including holding three consecutive terms as an At-Large Member of the New England Fishery Management Council; supervising the creation and management of multiple… Continue reading Elizabeth Etrie

Libby Etrie headshot
Dec 11, 2023

CLF Appeals Decision in Tailpipe Pollution Lawsuit

“Every year, vehicle emissions are linked to thousands of deaths in the northeast,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Large bus companies must be held accountable for ignoring idling laws designed to limit toxic emissions and protect public health. CLF filed this appeal to continue the fight for cleaner air in our communities.”

An exhaust pipe is shown spewing out black smoke